oliwia? is that you?

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We where dragged to a small black room where we stayed for God knows how long. Once every three hours we would be interigated to see how much information we knew but if we refused to talk (which we all did every often), we would get tourtured with injection's they would prod them in out faces and arms with stuff that felt like under our skin was burning and boils would appear where the needed had entered our skin. Molly was forced to look on at is suffering. One day after what felt like a week of being tortured we where asked if we have any last wishes we all looked at Molly and said "why?", Why would she do that to us her friends we thought we were her friends. we wanted to ask so many thing to Molly like, how did it feel to watch your friends suffer ? Did she feel like she had accomplished something ? did she feel safe now? all we ever did was help her we never did ask for anything in return her friendship was enough for us.

in a corner of this black room was a small box that looked like a broom cupboard we were all curious but you know what they say curiosity killed the cat so I went to investigate. the door was bolted shut. the others got up to help open the door they worked on the door for two hours and then 'pop' it opened. silence. the image they saw was one that will never leave them until the day they die. it was a bloodied up girl, they couldn't recognise her there was to much blood and hair in the way. she started to mutter something under her breath "h...e...y....kat.....I...d..on...t...rea....lly...wa...nt...to....be.......wi....th....you.....any....more.....is....th....at...ok...ay" I chuckled then it dawned on her, oliwia is that you??! oliwia tryed to smile but she was to weak all she muscles where gone and she was only skin and bone. They gathered around loiwia forming a tight circle they all grabbed a pice of pipe and when the guards came in they fought back. none of them had ever seen so much blood in their life when the started the attack but they needed to win so they can save oliwia she needed a doctor and fast or the end might be near for her and none of them wanted that. they stripped the guards of their uniform and put them on. we crept out of the room like little church mice and then they saw a sight for sore eyes it was.........CALUM! they hadn't seen him in what fell like forever they told him everything from lady gaga to molly betraying them. calum gave them a look (the daft one that he does when he doesn't understand) he gave them the keys and said " for the back door run" they said their thanks and then they boosted down the corridor to the left and there was the backdoor. they could smell the grass and pollen in the air. they put the key in and walked in the he garden of eden.

to be continued...

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