Untitled Part 2

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Choo's view

"OH, GOD WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!!?" I screamed as I looked up at Demi swinging in an old rusty,damp cage and the chain that was holding it up was about looked as thought it was about to snap. An young boy walked up to the sell he looked roughly our age and he kicked us some food and gave us some water, he wicked at me so I slowly walked over to the bars and said with a grin "IM GAY!!!" He looked at me with dilated pupils and he ran screaming "I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!" As he ran all of us looked out of the bars pissing our selves laughing. "wait......then who was he winking at ?" We all looked at each other with a scared yet confused look. Demi then said in a low tone of voice"dudes........he was totally winking at me!;)" we all broke out in laughter. We laughter for about ten minutes before we realised she was serious.

Olivia's view

Demi is a wild card. A weird person how can he on everyone's nerves and can be really stupid sometimes but that's why we are friends. As we watched Demi dangle in the air in a large metal cage we all were concerned for her. "how are we going to get her down exactly?" Kat looked like she had an idea but Gemma's idea sounded promising. Gemma started to tell us the idea " what if we made a dummy or a puppet to confuse the godess and brake the chain that holds up Demi and put the dummy inside and make it look dead then she has no choise but to free us all"

Please comment on ideas for the story line , how to save Demi and if you can please comment on how to defeat the godess

Thank you : )

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