it's time

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It's been four months since we found Oliwia and almost a year since mina died. The struggle to figure out were we where was and what we could do to leave was a constant thought in the back of our minds. This place was becoming more and more like our home as much as we that though it was true, this was now our home to.

Upon discovering that we have powers of our own we decided as a group that we where going to learn how to control these powers and get back home, the place where we truly belong.

Molly had the uncanny ability to talk to animals however she was couldnt run (probably why she couldnt escape from hatharash the godess) here where not alot of animals in kingdonea (for this is what we now called this place) however there was a huge forest with a large array of animals which molly would talk to alot to try and find the way out but we all knew in the bottom of out hearts that we would have to fight the godess even thought it will be nearly impossible to win against her unless we had help from an insider.

Gemma had been trying to get more resources and figure out a game plan to try and get out of here alive however that was hard to do seeing as we had no weapons or even paper to write down this master plan. It was starting to get more increasingly obvious that we needed an extra pair of helping hands to help us out of here however we only knew one person that could help and that was calum....and we didnt even know if he was still alive or if he had already made it out of his horrible place but we couldnt just give up we needed to find him and rescue him if need be.

"Kat?" Gemma said

" yeah wassup?" Kat said in a happy tone

"How will we know where to start looking for calum?"

"To be honest gemma I haven't really thought about that he could be anywhere from the kitchens to the dungeons"

"we should split up to find him" molly chimed in.

"Bad idea you remeber what happened last time we split up we almost lost Oliwia"

"Yeah we dont want to repeat that" ash said

"For ance I agree with you kat" said Oliwia. The thought of losing another friend was to much for the group to even think about they had already lost mina tragically they didnt want that to happen again.

"We better get some food" kat said with a subtle hint of saddness in her voice just thinking about Mina's death made everyone sad.

"Sounds good to me, I love food" said Gemma with a huge smile on her face.

"What does everyone want?" Said ash

"Please dont tell me we are having fish again" said molly with a frown on her face

"What about pork?" Suggested Oliwia

"How will we kill a damn pig Oliwia?" Ash said with a smile on their face.
Just then an arrow flew past them hitting ash in the chest. They fell to the floor, the rest of the group hit the floor trying to get to ash and trying to not get killed in the process.

"ASH!" Everyone screamed out as they watched them fall.

"DONT YOU DARE DIE ON US NOW!" shouted Oliwia with tears welling up in her eyes.

The arrows stopped flying around them after what felt like an eternity. They ran to see if ash was still alive but sadly they where to late.

"Five seconds earlier. I could have saved them..." kat said in a sad tone
"F*ck those stupid a*s soldiers that obey that godess" said Gemma with pure anger in her voice."We need to end this. One of us will he next" molly said.

They packed up their things and headed towards the door at the edge of the room.

"What next guys?" Kat said with a slight tone of saddness and confusion

"Well, let's go find calum" the rest of the group chimed in

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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