Chapter twenty nine : Want to dance?

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Erza had offered to stop him choking but she punched his back.


Gajeel peered over at Levy who was on her phone.

Gajeel snatched it from her "jeez you're on your phone I thought I was more rude than you."

Levy dead panned "ha ha very funny."

"What are you doing anyway?" Gajeel looked at Levy's phone and face palmed "are you reading on your phone?"

Levy shrugged and grinned "sue me."

Gajeel grinned and put her phone in his pocket "no more reading for you."

Levy gasped sarcastically "so cruel."

Gajeel kissed her and said "I know."

Someone cleared their throat. 

Levy and Gajeel looked at Gray who coughed "guys, I know you just started dating but I don't think we all needed to see that." Everyone else at the table blinked at them.

Levy blushed "sorry."

Lucy grinned at Levy.


Ichiya jumped up on the top table. He posed with stars twinkling around him "men." He looked over at Erza and winked. Erza got chills up her back.

Ichiya said loudly "men. Since the food is finished we shall go into the next room for the reception which has wonderful parfum."

Everyone stood up and were ushered into another room with table's and a huge dance floor. There was a huge white cake with marzipan roses around it. Ren and Sherry walked up to the cake with a knife and then cut into it. 

Cheria took a quick picture of them and then clapped with everyone else.

 Sherry announced "well the lovely band will be on soon but take a seat just now and some cake will be handed out for all of you!"

Everyone sat down at a table, waiters handed out slice's of cake which Natsu shovelled in his mouth in one swallow.


Meredy's phone jingled. It was a text from Jellal saying 'you can come back now the band's about to come on.'

Meredy grinned and pocketed her phone and threw her shoes off the roof and climbed down the top of the castle barefoot.

Yes she climbed up to the roof and sat thinking while waiting to go back into the wedding.

Meredy scaled down the castle and halfway down she poked her head to the side looking in the window. She saw Jellal's table chatting and the band setting up by the stage. She then flicked her eyes over to the Lamia Scale table and saw Lyon Vastia watching her at the window.

Meredy gasped and climbed quickly down the castle.

Meredy reached the ground and slipped her shoes back on then crept in through the doors of the castle and up the steps. She reached the room where everyone was in. She eyed Lyon who was still sitting at the Lamia Scale table. Meredy quickly and quietly weaved through people and sat down next to Jellal.

Meredy said "During the dragon attack I was with Juvia, Gray and Lyon. He knows who I am should I go?"

Jellal peered at Lyon who was chatting away. Jellal shook his head "no you should have some fun. However if something goes wrong you'll need to leave."

Meredy nodded.


Ren and Sherry walked onto the floor for their first dance.

Fairy Tail Adventure Resort (Nalu, Gruvia, Jerza, Gajevy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu