My words brought a sharp flicker of pain in his eyes. I saw because I glanced at him. I was angry at him for both me and Olivia. I knew I was being cold but he had to hear it. I had to make him realize, see and feel the pain that he made me go through- what he made Olivia go through.

I continued with more emphasis, astute, saying, "You were right. This is my duty. I should not run away. You are my butler. And like you said, your duty is to meet my needs and orders and not meddle in my personal business. It is your duty, same as mine."

He didn't say anything back. Instead, he kept a straight face but I knew his eyes held a different story.

We paused, arriving by the door that opens up to the garden. I slipped my hand away from his and settled them on the cloth of my dress, clenching them in fists.

"You may leave." I ordered, languidly. I looked away from him, afraid that I might break down my act if I do.

"Olivia," he started, contrite was clear in his voice.

That was the first time I heard him casually and informally call her name. I know it's a bit foolish but I liked it. It brought this small happiness in me but I brushed it away.

He looked desperate to say something but he was carefully considering the proper words to say in order to convey it to me. His brows were furrowed and his face was in nowhere near stolid. "Olivia, I-"

"Don't." I softly ordered, stopping him before I could hear any more that would make me change my mind. "Don't, Xander. Please. Not now." I pleaded in a low voice, audible enough for him to hear.

He turned still as a stone. His jaw was rigid and tense but he yielded, respecting my request. "As you wish, my lady."

He bowed then left me quickly without another glance and without another word. That hurt me more than it should. I was getting affected by everyone in this dream. Intangible feelings and connections flowing were there. I know, but I don't know why.

I took in a deep breath and straightened myself. I have to push through this plan to get to my goal. I have questions that are yet to be answered. And I'm making sure I get those answers.

I slowly entered the garden and sighed. This day was planned to be perfect. The weather was sunny and fair. A few clouds drifted peacefully in the sky and a cool breeze swept through the entire place. The garden was filled with color from every corner because of the beautiful flowers that were on display. The statues were polished and not a crack was to be seen. The fountain was complete and lively, gushing with water. The sight of all of it was beautiful. It was different from the ruins that Daniel had shown me when we visited it at night. I admit that it looked better in daylight.

I frowned a little. Too bad that this day was meant for meeting a stranger who wanted a chance to marry me and not a picnic. A picnic would have been much better.

"You must be Lady Olivia." A deep, sultry but a bit raspy and strong yet gentle voice called out.

I jumped a little, startled. I scanned the garden and saw a figure standing behind the fountain. There he was. That must be him. He was standing still behind the fountain partly hidden. He didn't plan on moving.

'How do I do this? What should I do? What would Olivia do?'

I took a few steps towards the fountain to get a closer look and greet him but then he stopped me saying, "Stop! Don't come any further."

I froze on the spot before the fountain, confused.

"It would best if we keep this distance for now."

INNOCENCE (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant