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Hello my lovelies!

Keep reading for announcements and spoilers!

First of all, this is my delayed excuse of an announcement and an apology. Sorry :(

As you all know that I was supposed to announce the dates of my final chapter last november and I didn't get to. I feel so bad for letting you guys down. I feel like such a jerk. I am truly sorry! I hope you guys forgive me for my neverending habit of being late. :/

Anyway, here is the final dates for my last chapters:

Chapter 35-May
Epilogue- June
Sequel- will have to wait since I have a new story coming out on wattpad this October but INNOCENCE sequel updates will be posted before the end of December :)

I know it's a long wait and it's really because I don't have enough time to write since I will be studying most of the time in my third year of college which is hard btw.

I will really try to make it through the dates this time. So, enough about me blabbering away. I'm sure you guys are itching for a spoiler by now hahaha so here's a short teaser within the chapter just to get ur blood going & to tingle your bookworm tastebuds! Hope you enjoy!

*credits to my dog Xander for being a photo model ;)*


Chapter 35


'Wow. There sure are a lot of people...' The though ran through my mind. It didn't surprise me but it did overwhelm me.

I swallowed the imaginary lump in my throat as my eyes scanned throughout the whole room. I couldn't make out where my parents are or anyone else for that matter. All of them were wearing masks.

I looked ahead and saw Daniel, there waiting for me, looking like a dashing prince dressed in a black and gold trimmed suit with his hands neatly placed behind his back, his hair was elegantly swept back, and his mask was all black, complimenting the striking blue hues of his eyes. He stood at the end of the staircase with his familiar blue eyes trained on only me. The subtle smile playing on his lips made my heart skip a beat. I could feel my cheeks heat up from his stare so much that I couldn't help but smile back.

When I finally reached the end of the staircase, he gave a small bow and I curtsied back. He offered me his hand and I took it with a smile.

As we head towards the center of the grand hall that was illuminated with flowers and grand chandeliers that made the whole room look like it had rained down gold and crystals, he leaned his head and whispered in my ear with his voice low and gentle, "You are exquisitely breathtaking."

I could feel the smile on my face get wider upon hearing his praise. I shyly glanced at his direction. "Really?"

"Truly." he immediately answered with his soft boyish smile, making my heart do somersaults inside my chest.



EEEKKKK!!!! (> o <) ♡♡♡

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