Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

His country hold a lot of memories he don't want remember. He is not ready to bring old memories alive or open old wounds because even till date, there still hurt.


"Grandma, dad see you later." Annabella said to her family standing from the dining chair.

She pick up her back bag and hang it on her shoulder.

"Be careful." Her grandmother warned.

"I will. Bye dad. Take care." She said as she leave the house.

She came out inhaling the cold air. It reminds her about Hawaii but it can't be compare to the breeze and cold air in Hawaii.

"Anna" Someone called. She turn around to see her best friend Mia in her boyfriend car.


"Hi, are you taking your car?" She asked.

She shake her head. "No."

"That's good. Come." She said and she did as she was told. She open the back door and climb inside the car.

"Hi Rick" She greeted her boyfriend.

"Hi Anna. How are your night?"

"Great. So where are you guys going because i have class in an hour time." She said to them.

"Somewhere cold. Rick is taking me on a date." Mia said smiling at Rick.


"We will drop you at the school. Is that okay?" Rick asked.

"Of course thank you." Annabella replied.

"Anna, there is this place that Julia took me to, you are going to love that place." Mia said excited. "I will pick you up later in the day and i will take you there. I swear you will love it."

"Are you sure?" Anna asked.

"Of course i am." She said a little hurt.

Anna laughed. "I was just joking. And okay i will keep that in mind. What am i going to wear?"

Mia look at her like she was examining her.

"You can add a little makeup and you are good." She said and she replied with a nod.

Later in the day, Annabella sat in the park watching couples and kids. The park was not full as it use to be.

She waited patiently for her friend.

"Oh dear sorry for keeping you waiting." Mia said from behind her.

She smile. "I haven't been waiting long."

"Okay. Let's go."

They walk to the train station and went to take a train. They came down and Mia take them down different street.

She has never been to that part of town before. It was quite rural to where they had both live. They were people at every angle and corners of the street.

"Mia where are we going? This place is a little scary." Annabella whispered to her friend.

She gave a mocking smile.

"Don't worry, it safe. I promise you will love it." She assured her.

"Alright." She rolled her eyes at her. "If anything happens to me, you will have to answer to my dad."

"Daddy's girl." She mocked laughing.

"I am."

They came to a narrow street. A lot of people were walking in group to a building at the end of the street.

"Here we are." Mia said pulling her hands.

She said hi to the guys standing at the entrance. And they allow them in. They enter the building and it was indeed very different from what she expected.

The club has people drinking, smoking, and talking. There was light with different colours. They was an upper floor where couples sat and look at the event going on the first floor.

The bar was magnificent. A D. J was in the front of the club playing a loud music from his speakers. And the crowd dance along.

It was very crowded that she wonder how this people got to know the place. It was in a rural area. So no one could have expect to see so much crowd in such an area.

"This place is wow! How do you know this place."

"Someone invited me and i love it that is why i brought you here." Mia said.

They sat and Mia asked the bar attendant for a shot.

"How could they be so much crowd. This place looks like nowhere." Annabella asked still amaze  at the crowd.

Mia look at her wrist watch and sbe beam at her. Then someone said behind them.

"They are almost here."

"She is right." Mia said still smiling making her feel a little confuse. "That's my favorite part. There is this group and you are going to love them."

"Whatever." Annabella retort and asked for a drink.



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