I saved her.

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[normal POVS again]

Billie heard only small snippets of the scene, something about 23 years and agressive footsteps leading to a doorslam that alerted the nurses. Maggie came back into the room hesitant.

"Hey mom, where did Olivia go?" Billie asked. Maggie sighed, "Well I believe she must have went to grab a bite or something." She smiled. Billie looked at her with a glare, a glare that screamed "don't-play-dumb-with-me" and Maggie's fake smile slowly fades.

Before Maggie could even begin to explain, the hospital doors beep as if someone just walked in, stomping violently. It was clearly Olivia, yet the parted curtains so sudden in one sharp movement shocked both of them. "Billie, you don't have to go on tour anymore!" Olivia announced.

Billie's eyes shot open, "But...how did...?" Olivia gave her a quick answer, "LOOPHOLES! Every contract has one. Because you're under 18 and Maggie signed a different contract than yours without them informing you, you're technically not even signed with them and can leave anytime you want!"

Billie bit her lip, she could barely contain her excitement hidden under disbelief. She was finally allowed to be a teenager for once, no more makeup artists with their own designs, painting art that just wasn't hers to connect with but just to proudly display.

And now she can have more time to contact fans than she used to, hang out with friends and still make music. She could finally breathe and make her own art, without someone else's hand guiding her the entire time.

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