A Few Moments Later

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Billie suddenly tunes in to the sound of a guy talking, it sounds pretty familiar and she realizes it's Finneas.
"Yeah she's been staying up at night and only eating maybe just a granola bar a day. She's been like this for two months now." Finneas said, but the heart monitor beeped over the nurse's whispered reply.

"Fuuuuck." Billie groaned as she cracked open her bloodshot eyes. Maggie quickly turned her head from the nurse towards Billie. She puts her hand over Billie's forehead and tilts her eyebrows in sympathy. "Are you feeling okay Billie-bug?" Maggie whispers, stroking her forehead. "Yeah yeah I'm fine, when can we go home?" Billie replies, trying to push herself up on her elbows but quickly falling back into her hospital bed.

The nurse rushes over to the left side to stop her from getting up again. "Hi there hun! I'm jenny your nurse today! You passed out from exhaustion and you'll have to stay here for a few days okay? Your family said they'll visit every day, you just need to rest here for a bit and you'll be able to get right back on your feet!" Nurse Jenny said, smiling at Billie in hopes of keeping her calm.

Billie furrowed her brows and raised her tone. "The fuck do you mean I can't just go, I've got shit to do Jenny!" Billie yells, immediately she's cut off by Maggie shushing her. Finneas and Patrick sit in their chairs, while Maggie and Nurse Jenny continue to explain why she has to stay. 

"Do you really want this to happen again? I know you love to jump around and write but if you keep living this way you could get hurt. I love you." Billie sighed, "Love you too mom." Maggie kissed her on the forehead before walking away with Finneas and Patrick. Jenny sat Billie up slightly to fluff her pillow before pushing her back down to rest. Billie waved goodbye to the rest of the O'connells and Nurse Jenny dashed off to help another patient.

Man, this is gonna be boring as hell. Billie thought to herself, looking the black misshapen dots on white ceiling tiles and trying to see how many she could count. Her eyelids slowly closed together once more, before she heard someone mumbling lyrics to themself.
Ay at least someone's got good taste here, Billie thought.

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