It's Getting Late

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What's your soundcloud? I'll check it out." She asked, "It's just 'BillieEilish' on everything" Billie replied. Olivia nodded her head and typed in "Billie Eilish" in her notes check her out later. They continued to talk about their lives until visiting hours were closed.

"Wait so...your dad would just let you stay up till 4 am with your friends?" Billie scrunched her face at Olivia in shock. Olivia nodded with a devilish smile as confirmation. "DUDE I wish I could do that. A bunch of my friends kinda hate me now and the due dates my record label set up are awful." Billie groaned.

Olivia tilted her head at Billie and brushed her hair behind her ear. "Did they overwork you?" Olivia asked. Billie flinched out of shock. "...they did didn't they....fuck." She muttered, "Why didn't I read the contract completely?" Billie smacked her own forehead with the palm of her hand.

Olivia just wanted to hug her but she didn't know whether or not Billie was the "hugging type." Well, especially when she's hooked up to 20 different machines right now.

Billie shook her head from the pain she just noticed and went to ask Olivia another question. "So...what do you do for a living?" She looked into Olivia's eyes with a weak smile.  "I mean I'm 16 so I don't really do much yet, but I sew stuffed animals and clothes as a hobby." She replied. "That's fire! I upcycle clothes sometimes and-" Billie's quickly cut off. "Ladies! Sorry to interrupt but you only have a few minutes before visiting hours are over! Please rap it up!" Nurse Jenny said.

As soon as nurse Jenny walked away, Billie did her best bitch voice. "LaYDEIS SOWRY TWO INTEWRUPT" she mocked, with her mouth scrunched to the side for emphasis. Olivia silently wheezed and slammed the arm rest of her chair repeatedly, Billie joined in barely grasping for air at Olivia's reaction.

A few minutes later after taking deep enough breaths to calm down and tissues to wipe their highly delusional tears, Olivia asked one more question. "Can we exchange numbers so we can talk later? You're so fun to be around." Billie smiled and handed Olivia her phone, Olivia handed her phone back in response. Olivia put her contact name as simply just "Olivia" while Billie put in "BILLIE THE BITCH" in all caps. Olivia and Billie switched phones back, and Olivia headed her way out the door.

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