Part 17

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Yui POV:

Tears welled down my face. I put um my face, "Yato, I can't take this pain anymore." He sighed. I tried to stand my my legs shook from beneath me, my cut was larger than I thought. "Ow," I gasped as I fell forward and my hand landed onto Yato's arm. I looked up our faces only a few inches away. I blushed and looked down.

"Can you walk?" He asked.

I shook my head and sat down on the cold, wet pavement, warm blood was flowing out of my knee. He picked me up and was about to wrap his scarf around my knee. I pushed his hand away, "Yato, I can see that you really love that scarf. Don't dirty it." I said calmly but tears still streaming down my face.

"It's been through worse." He said.

Yato's POV:

"My scarf has been through worse don't worry." I said as I tied it around her knee, "My fluffy fluff scarf." I mentally pouted. Her tears looked like diamonds in her eyes, she's really cute.

'No, I like Hiyori and hopefully she likes me back, but I can't start like multiple girls at once. That would be wrong.'

As I slowly walked back to lord Tenjin's shrine. I felt a warm head lean against my chest.

I blushed and looked down, it was Yui, the girl that almost killed herself and almost died, but I prevented that. Her silky, blonde hair was blowing behind us in the wind. I'm glad that she grew it out.

I mentally face palmed myself. "Stop thinking like this. You can't like you regalia's sister."

The next thing I knew it her arms were wrapped around my neck. I can't tell Yukine that this is his sister, regalia can't know their human past. I sighed as I walked to everyone at the shrine.

"Yato, what happened?" asked Hiyori confused.

"She fell asleep, we'll take her to Kofuku house for tonight then we can question her, tomorrow." I said as Hiyori looked down at Yui's knee then back to me.

"Your scarf." said Hiyori, "What happened?"

"She fell." I said scratching my head.

"Did you drop her?" Yukine asked.

"No, she tripped."

"And also why did she start crying when she saw me? Why did she run away when I pushed her away? Did we have some kind of connection?" Yukine bombarded me with more questions.

"Um, I don't want to drop her so let's bring her to Kofuku's house and then maybe we can talk. Hiyori, see you tomorrow."

She nodded and walked down the street, leaving Yukine, me and Yui by ourselves.

Yukine's Twin Sister (May Be Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang