Part 4

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Yui pov:

I gasped in pain, "Get me up this damned building now!"

He pulled me up and my heart raced against my chest. We moved away from the gate so I wouldn't fall again. I'm so stupid, I was actually going to kill myself. How could do I that to Yukine? I laid flat on my back, Yato sitting next to me. I winced as I touched my wrist. I could barely move it.

"Well stay away from tall buildings and roofs from now on." Yato Jumped up, "See ya."

He stuck his tongue out then saluted me then jumped off the building landing on the ground perfectly, cat-like.

I got up as I heard the bell and raced back down the stairs to the nurse. How am I going to explain it, Oh yeah, I wanted to jump off the school, but this crazy God dude appeared, accidentally scared me with his magical sword, and then I fell and he caught me by the wrist and jumped off the building and ran away? I shook my head. She'll probably send me to an insane asylum with crazy people.

I'll just have to suffer. I walked to my classroom, following the crowd of classmates.

As soon as everyone was settled down at their desks, Ms Shinomia told every to get ready for the festival. "Now everyone you all have to get ready for the festival in an hour. So let's meet back here in forty-five minutes."

It was a class trip. It was an annual thing, the school liked to show off to other schools and suck up to the city council.

We all nodded. As I took my kimono out, I heard someone try to hold in a laugh.

I sighed but continued to unpack anyway. Yukine should be out at the same time with our class, so I'll get ready, sneak into his group and then go to the festival with his class instead of my own. After the kimono was on, I braided a few strands of my hair and applied some makeup that wasn't really that flashy but more natural than most. My class was ready, and the teacher lead us in a group to the front gates. It was there that I quietly snuck into Yukine's class.

"What are you doing here?" Yukine leaned over whispering to me, a little annoyed. I smiled.

"Going to the festival with you of course," "what else would I be doing here?"

"You're gonna get in trouble and when you do, it's not my fault." Yukine stood back up straight and continued to look forward to the teacher. Not a single person notice me leave and enter a classroom, well, other than Mutsumi of course. 

Yukine's Twin Sister (May Be Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें