Over the Years

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Written by Sweets-simmer

Ever since the moment every one knew Lindie was gone, Jason's life was chaotic. Their winery became a top hit, from the fact hundreds of people would come weekly to get news on the missing sister. Jason was annoyed by this.

He was more annoyed by his mother wandering the woods calling for her lost daughter. As the years past though, she got more sick, and his father's eyes held a look Jason didn't know. Slowly he thought the world was normal. No one other then his mother spoke about the missing.

Tell one day..

"I know you killed your sister," his father said, his voice monotone and dark.

"What are you talking about?" Jason said, it taking him a minute to comprehend what his father said, let alone remember who is gone.

"You. You did it. You never cared about her," his father hissed out.

"I didn't kill her," Jason said, which is true, since he left her to die. That's different right?

"Lier.. just.. get out. Leave and never come back. Your not going to get anything from us. Not. A. Single. Thing... Your the reason why Lindie is gone, and your mother is dying. Get out!" His father yells, his fists slamming into his desk. The first time he now knew what was in his fathers eyes for the past years.


The words rang in Jason's head. Get out. The tone and volume of his father making it stuck.

He had to find the bowtruckle he turned his sister into. He new she was alive from the fact he saw the pretty Slytherin girl with the bowtruckle in the library.

As much as he hated Lindie, he knew her well enough to know that was his sister.

After a while he makes a plan and sneaks back there hogwarts. He knows how the Slytherin dorms lay out, but he stops at the end of the hallway at the entrance of the dorms, spotting the girl. Her sitting with a stupid guy. He listens as words pass between them. Sickened he raised his wand and whispered a deadly spell, killing the guy. Within the minute he is behind the girl and pats her pockets not feeling the bowtruckle.

He takes a slow breath in before whispering, "I need you alive."

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