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This chapter written by Sweets-simmer

(Flash back)

I giggled while my mother chased me around the room. I may have not been as spoiled as my older brother, but I was happy. I dove under my purple and silver covers. The covers squished against me and I squealed in joy. My mother smiles at me after moving the covers, cradling me against her. We softly look at each other in giggles. My mother's eyes like my own, green with amber flecks in it, not like my fathers, his are a stormy blue to near grey. Her hair though is brown, near black, unlike mine. Mine is a bright blonde like my father, I also got his paler skin compared to my mothers tan skin. My brother seemed to have the opposite of me. He has my dads eyes, but the skin and hair of my mom. My mother is wearing her ravenclaw neckless, it being my families house. I can't wait till my fist year and be just like them.

"Your so adorable my lil lin~" she cood at me. I giggled at her and yawn.

"Mommy I'm g-gonna be an awesome Ravenclaw like you and Jay!" I stuttered out grinning and giggling.

My mother let a sad chuckle before giving me a kiss on the forehead. I start snuggling back down into my blankets when....

I awoke, my eyes looking around in a fright. Starting to feel myself pulled out of the fabric I was surrounded by, I made small noises, then went quiet looking up. I look at the girl holding me realizing that she is a second year slytherin and I squeak up at her reaching my weird arms up at her wishing I could tell her I need help, who I am, anything.

"Now what are you doing so far from home?" She asked at me. At least she knows what I am now.

I let out a bunch of squeaks but stop. I know she's not going to be able to understand me. My leaves drop down. I'm not lonely, but I am still sleepy and hungry.

I move holding on to her hand letting out soft sad squeaks looking at her.

At least someone found me.

Where the Road Takes Us (Fantastic Beasts)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz