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I just wanted to let everyone know what's been happening. Firstly, graduation is in less than 8 weeks and I'm currently trying very hard to keep my grades passing. Second, my partner in crime and I haven't been writing together recently so she and I will be getting back into touch soon to figure out more on this book. I was going to attempt finishing this book on my own because I have had some good ideas for awhile now but that didn't seem fair to my coauthor, so I'm just waiting until we both are at a stable place to continue our work. Thank you so much for almost 500 reads and all the love this book has gotten so far. A new chapter will be on its way after everything sorts out :)

~Mak Out~

Btw Mak is me so I'm going to be using that from now on instead of Cassy, my old username

Where the Road Takes Us (Fantastic Beasts)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora