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Chapter Written by myself

*present day, or rather, just a little before present day*

It had been years since Katherina graduated from Hogwarts, spending her last year almost completely alone, and she was now dealing with the consequences of actions she could never forget. They never came in the form of nightmares, always a flicker in the corner of her eye or a face that looked familiar in passing. It was a constant reminder that hadn't begun until she left the school. She assumed it had something to do with Newt being kicked out during 7th year, and leaving her with no one other than Treekey.

Her thoughts always spiraled when she was alone. She remembered harsh skin against her own, anger, the pulsating of blood in her ears, the feeling of words that spilled from her lips, and the subtle jerk of her wand. She remembered him falling.

"Excuse me, terribly sorry, I just need to get through." A man shoved her from the memory as she stood in the street, unaware that she had stopped walking.

"It's alright, I was in the-" her breath cut short as she stared at the man. He was taller now, his skin a shade darker than before. Freckles dotted his skin in constellations. She could still name each one.


He stopped. She could tell he was hesitating in turning around, and she didn't blame him.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't remember your name." Katherina felt her heart drop into the pits of hell. Didn't remember her? After all they had built together.

"Katherina. Lestique." Her voice was dry.

Recognition bloomed in his eyes alongside what looked to be grief. She knew his tendencies and stopped him before he could speak.

"Don't apologize. It's been a long time."

His gaze was fixed on her pocket. "Time should never erase the memories of those fondest to us. Do you still have.." he motioned to her pocket.

She smiled sadly. "Then it makes sense that the memories of me aren't as prominent. She's at home, where I should be." Her back turned to him she began to stalk off.

"You always deserved the best, Ree." Heart fluttering she ignored him, and continued walking.

I know.

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