I just roll my eyes at them as the six of us enter the cafeteria. It seemed unusually quiet and awkward somehow. When I look around I find the reason. I see Colton and another kid who I believers to be a senior being pulled away from eachother while Arya had her arm wrapped around the shoulders of Lenny, who had tears in her eyes.

Christian and Cody were both fighting to hold Colton back from the Junior guy. The junior had blood running down the side of his face, and streaming from his nose. My little brother, on the other hand, seemed to only have a minor black eye.

Seconds later they're both hauled out of the cafeteria by Coach and another teacher. Arya, Lenny, Christian and Cody all following close behind.

The six of us all look at eachother before taking off down the hallways to the deans office.

Colton was sitting with an ice pack on his hand and all his friends sitting around him.

"Colton! What the fuck?!" I yell at him


"No! Do you know how much shit you're going to get in with Dad and Cheri? They told you no more fuckin fighting, shit Colton, you're a sophomore and it's you're third fight this year, what if you get expelled? It is barely fucking December!"

"Okay first off, breath and stop yelling at me. They already called dad, I'm gonna get an earful from him, I don't need one from you either" he mumbles while resting his head on the wall behind him "second, he started all this shit AND threw the first punch. He was saying shit to Lenny, I told him to shut the hell up, he didn't, and then tried to punch me. I won't get expelled. Whose side do you think they'll take? Mine; a straight A, honours student Athlete, or Wyatts; an asshole no life, who smokes, picks on kids younger than him and gets suspended every other week?"

I've never talked to Wyatt before but I've seen the way he acts and I can't deny what my brother is saying. He's a junior who thinks he's hot shit since he's finally an upperclassmen and then proceeds to pick on any of the underclassmen.

"Doesn't help the fact that dad's gonna be pissed off" Arrex tells him

"That's why I'm glad y'all are here" he grins "Help me get out?"

I look at Beck and Arrex on either side of me before looking back down at him. "Fine. But promise me, after this no more using your fucking fists to resolve issues" I order

"I promise" I he says before resting his head back against the wall. He obviously had a headache.

I land a light smack on his head before taking a seat across from him where Caleb was sitting with Lenny and Arya.

"Ow!" He says, his eye shooting open quickly to look at me

"That's for being stupid" I grin at him

"Kalanski " coach calls from Dean Forgerty's office

"What?" All four of us turn to look at him. The only one of us not here was Ace.

"Not you three, the youngest idiot" Coach says with a small grin, gesturing to Colton

Okay coach was smiling so that had to be a good sign at least.

"The rest of you, go to class," Coach tells us,

"Yes sir" we all grumble before leaving the office

"You Okay Len?" Caleb asks her

"I'm fine, it was nothing really, he was just saying shit about my sister that pissed me off" she shakes her head "thanks guys" she smiles before her, Arya and the guys leave to go to the library instead of the cafeteria.

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