Can't Do This...I'm Done

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I can't do this anymore. I have a happy family, and I love my wife to pieces. Touring is getting on my last nerves right now because my wife is so exhausted with this pregnancy, and Brendon is pushing us to do two shows in a day, everyday and it's not enough time to prepare for each and we're exhausted at the second show from the first. His voice is breaking at the second and we can't cover him like we want. He says he knows what he's doing, but this is torture on all of us.

(Y/N) is nearing seven months pregnant with our baby, and she's helping as much as she can with the shows to make sure they are running properly and it is purely stressful on her. She's been dealing with this since the beginning of the tour so she's gotten used to it, but this is getting too much on her body. She has to rest so she doesn't harm our child and she is having to make sure all the shows go right so Brendon doesn't have to worry which makes me worry about her health. The kids are used to the shows and they know that they have to be quiet and rest during the shows and we rest after so they play on Brendon's Fortnite account while we take naps before the second show and after the second show, it's so late we quickly get food in us and we all go to bed.

Brendon is overworking all of us and all of us are getting sick while he gets enjoyment out of getting people out of a bad mood or situation during the time of the concert. We have a few weeks left of shows according to Brendon and it's pushing my last buttons because we should be home so me and my wife can get the house set up for the baby. We don't even know what we're having or how many we're having yet and she is so close to the end. We have nothing ready for this baby yet and Brendon knows that and he's making it so difficult for us. She doesn't say anything because he's her brother but it's getting to a point she can hardly move when we get back to the buses.

"Mike?" She called. "What's going through your head? I can tell something's up..." She whispered, thinking it would be me probably leaving her.

"It's nothing to worry about baby. I promise." I told her, holding her belly slightly.

"You can tell me Mike." She said, looking up at me like she's a child. I can't ever say no to her when she does that.

"It's just the idea of you being so far along and so close to the end it's bugging me that you still help us so much to make sure all these shows go right. It's ridiculous that he's pushing two shows a day on us and you being so big and heavy that it's harder on you to keep up on your feet." I told her.

"Babe, I dealt with worse with the boys and with the triplets because I was so big towards the end and you were resting after you came home. This is nothing to me." She told me, running her fingers through my hair.

"You sure?" I asked her. "I don't want you getting hurt and I for sure don't want our baby to get hurt either." I whispered, kissing the top of her belly.

"Yes, I'm sure. Now calm down please. If it gets to be too much, I'll personally talk with my brother and we'll discuss what needs to be done. He already knows if I can't help with the stuff on the road anymore, he'll be screwed because Zack is sick and he's been sick this whole touring process." She told me, smiling.

"Okay baby. I trust you. I just don't want you to go into labor so soon with the stress and especially since we aren't home and nowhere near being close to home." I whispered.

"If I go into labor, I go into labor. If our baby is born in the south, let it be born in the south. As long as it's born healthy, I don't care where it's born. We'll have our last baby and we can always tell the doctor that I want the complete hysterectomy done at the time of birth." She told me, rubbing my arm.

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