Final Ultrasound Before Baby Naran is Here!!

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I can't believe it's finally my last scheduled ultrasound before Mike and I are parents to a little girl! She's so close to finally being home with us and I'm ecstatic to actually find out if Brendon was right about having a second name ready or not. I still never told Mike about it because I didn't want to frighten him about having twins again, because Hunter and Noah were hell to raise as babies and I don't think we're capable of doing that again so soon after them. I mean, it would be a different type of experience since it would be hopefully twin girls if I am, indeed, pregnant with multiples again. Brendon was right about me being about the same size as I was with my boys, even Mike pointed it out to me that I do look like that now that I'm a half a month away from delivering.

Sarah and Brendon have been coming over to help Mike out with the boys and to also allow Mike to have some guy time with my brother while Sarah calms me and stops me from doing what I shouldn't be doing. After the ultrasound, she and I are going out to pamper ourselves since it's Mother's Day. Sarah still carries a little bit of the baby weight from the girls, but she's still working hard at it to lose it all before she even thinks about getting pregnant again.

The midwife came over and I smiled as Mike was getting the TV set to show the video on the TV. Brendon opened the door for me so I wouldn't have to strain to get up. "Do you want us in here this time sis or no?" Brendon asked.

"You can stay, since we already know that we're having a girl. I want you in here for another reason too though. You remember how you said to have an extra name ready? I want to see if I do or not." I told him.

"I can't wait to prove you right." He told me. "You're huge like you were last time." He laughed, but it made me more insecure about the weight I gained.

Sarah's eyes went wide and she slapped him right across the face. "Why did you say that Brendon? SHE'S FUCKING PREGNANT!!" She yelled.

"It's true though!" He yelled back.

"Brendon, how would you feel if you got so big like she's doing for her daughter, and someone would say that to you instead? Wouldn't you feel self conscious? She been told me that she's more insecure about the weight gain she encountered, more than she was with the boys because she's bigger than she was with them in her head. You know she fought anxiety about that and showing how big she is, when it should be a thing she shouldn't be worried about showing off. Being pregnant is one of the most enjoyable things, especially when you are having ultrasounds done because you can actually see how the baby is doing." Sarah told him, slapping him again.

He huffed and looked at me, seeing me so close to a mental breakdown. He came closer to me and tried to pull me into a hug. I instead kicked him in the balls and he cried like a little baby. "Lesson learned." He groaned quietly.

Sarah smiled at him and kicked him in the balls too when he turned to his side. "Don't ever say that again. That was very fucking childish, especially when you have to support your sister as much as you can in the last few days like this." She told him and he nodded, holding himself.

"Go in the guestroom and calm down bro." Mike told him, helping him up and bringing him to the guest room.

Mike came back after he locked Brendon in the guest room and I laughed as he pounded on the door to get out. The midwife continued what she was here to do and I smiled as she put the goop on my belly. She put the wand to the side of my belly and my eyes grew bigger than intended. "Well, get ready to expand your family to seven including you two and your boys. Your brother was right to tell you have an extra name ready, and I hope you have two extra names ready. You're having triplets, two girls and a boy." She told us, and Sarah was happy for us, but shocked, as shocked as Mike and I are.

"All our babies haven't been getting kisses, and I feel bad, but they'll soon be here in our arms." Mike whispered, happy to be a dad, but I could tell he's terrified about being a dad of five.

"What's wrong love?" I asked him.

"Nothing is wrong. You need to relax and calm down. I need to go out to buy an extra crib for our second daughter and clothes for our other little girl and our new little boy. You and Sarah go relax. I want to get everything right for our babies when they come." He told me, kissing my lips and my belly three times now.

Brendon was still pounding on the door so I got up to go let him out of the room. "What's the news?" He asked immediately.

"You were right to tell me to have an extra name, but I'm happy I came up with two names, one for each gender. I'm going to be delivering triplets in a matter of a few days." I told him and he squeezed me into a hug.

"Oh, sis. That's amazing news, but you need to relax then. Cancel you and Sarah going out today, it's not safe since you have three little ones in your belly. Once they are a few weeks old, and you feel comfortable going out leaving them with Mike by himself, you and Sarah can go do your Mother's Day trip. It won't be the same, but it's just for precaution." Brendon told me.

"Well can you go with Mike to the store to help him get everything? We need an extra crib now and clothes for another girl and our new little boy." I told him, sighing, hoping I would've been able to go with him.

"Yes, but you go lie down. Sarah will be up with the kids unless you want us to take them and have Sarah just watch over you." He told me.

"Take them with you, but Sarah doesn't have to watch over me. I'm capable of watching over myself. I just want her here for in case something happens." I told him.

"Well, go to your room to lie down damnit. I don't want you putting so much pressure on your feet right now." He said, rubbing my belly.

I can't believe I'm having triplets in a few days. Mike and I will surely have our hands full.

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