Tour in London

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My leg has to stay elevated for two damn weeks and B carries me everywhere even though they gave me crutches so I can still keep mobility in my other foot. Tonight is the show in London, and like normal, I'm with them backstage, which I enjoy. 

Brendon fixed the shot glasses of tequila and we all downed one, and Sarah did one with us over a FaceTime call. Brendon took his shirt off and started running around, being we still had fifteen minutes until show time. He wanted to get his energy up and since he did that, he ran around carrying me piggy-back style, making Jake take more pictures of us.

"Jake, not cool man." Nicole told him. 

"Thanks Nicole." I smiled. 

"Save them and send them to us only. I'm tired of getting chewed out by Sarah nearly every night now." Brendon told him.

Jake nodded and smiled. "Will do." He said, taking a few more.

Brendon brought me back by the couch and set me down, getting his shirt back on and put on his gold jacket. "How I look sis?" He asked.

"Amazing Beebo." I smiled, and he picked up the puppet. "You and that puppet. I'm keeping the puppet once everything is done with him." I told him. He made the puppet smile and it made me laugh. 

"There's my favorite laugh." He smiled. "Do you wanna come sit backstage so you can see properly?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Where do you wanna sit?" He asked. 

"Behind the drums. The drummer is sick and you deserve to play properly. No one would see me. Please. I know everything!" I told him. 

"Are you sure sis? Do you think you'd be able to handle it?" He asked. 

"Yes, and I'm already in all black. Please Beebo?" I asked him. 

"Sure, lets get you out there." He smiled, picking me up and running me to behind the drums before everything went up.

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