Touring With Three and Four Month Old Babies

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I love the fact that Sarah and I are back on the road with our boys and our babies. Brendon got Mike and I a second bus to travel in so we wouldn't get confused with the crying at night. Brendon and Sarah with their girls are sharing a bus with just about everyone else, while Mike and I have a bus to ourselves with our boys. Nicole is with us, so I can at least have a girl to talk to, and so I'm not surrounding by so many boy hormones. 

It's very apparent that when we were on tour last that we weren't separated like this. It's easy to spot Brendon running from bus to bus when we're stopped for gas or something, and it makes a huge scene and people end up finding out and delaying us to getting where we need to get to. 

However, these tour dates are so scattered out that Brendon doesn't have shows for days at a time, so we're able to enjoy being out on the road and we can explore the places when we stop for a while for tourist attractions. Every so often, Brendon comes meet us for a while so we can write while Mike is giving me a break with the boys by watching them for me. 

"How's everything going sis with the boys?" Brendon asked when we sat on Mike and I's bed in the back. 

"It's fine Beebo. Just a bit tiring being on the road and having to care for them while Mike relaxes from the shows." I sighed. 

"Now you see how I felt coming out after two weeks with being with my girls." He giggled. 

Mike opened the door and brought us each a beer. "Thanks baby." I smiled. 

"No problem love. Is it okay if I have one too?" He asked. 

"Yeah, just manage yourself so you won't get drunk fast with the boys." I told him. He nodded and closed the door. 

"He's been staying sober on the road?" Brendon asked. 

"Since we had the boys. That's why he drank during my pregnancy. He told me he wanted to give it up once they were here. This is a first he even asked me to have a beer. He deserves it." I told my brother. I crossed my legs and Brendon giggled as I reached for my guitar and almost fell off the bed. "Not funny." I hissed, laughing myself. 

We started three new songs and finished two of them, the last one is harder to write. Brendon went get us a few more brews and we tried our best to make the lyrics sound decent. 

"Let's put this aside for a little while sis. Do you wanna just play the older songs I have already released for a little while?" He asked, seeing me aggravated. 

I sighed and nodded. "Lying is the most fun." I giggled. 

"That brings up a lot of weird memories and now that I'm a dad and you're a mom, it sounds even weirder." He cringed. "Why did we write that?" He asked, sighing.

"First album, you wanted to start with a bang, and you technically did, considering the song is about sex." I whispered. 

"How's you and Mike's sex life since the boys?" He asked, being nosy.

"None of your business Brendon! I don't ask you that about you and Sarah! Don't do that to me and Mike!" I told him, going red.

"So, I'm guessing it's nonexistent like mine is." He said, smirking but also starting to frown.

"No, we had sex a few times, but it's slightly uncomfortable being I just had two baby boys taken out of there three months ago. I'm not fully healed, but I'm healed enough to be out here with y'all." I told him. 

"Sarah doesn't want me anywhere near her yet and I'm getting frustrated with it." He sighed. 

"It's normal to be like that B. Some people don't want any intimacy until a year or two after having a baby." I told him, trying to defend Sarah. 

"Don't remind me of that." He groaned. "I'm still a man and I need to be pleasured too." He whispered. 

"This is getting weird talking about this. We're still brother and sister." I told him. "Start singing." I told him, poking his stomach.


Being with my sister on her bus is more fun than being on mine because I can actually see how she's doing. Getting her a separate bus might have been essential due to us both having young babies so we don't get confused, it's lonesome without each other. Her and Mike seem to be handling it well and I'm happy Mike's not all depressed like he was when we came out before he fully became a dad.

"B?" I heard my sister ask after a while.

"Yeah sis?" I asked her, rubbing her thigh, seeing her look down.

"Can you give me away to Mike when we do our wedding?" She asked, smiling.

"Of course sis. Why wouldn't I? I was there for you through everything, more than mom and dad for sure." I smiled.

"Do you think Sarah would be okay with being the maid of honor too?" She asked. 

"She would love that sis. You were hers at my wedding, six and a half years ago." I smiled. "When's the wedding date?" I asked her. 

"I don't want you to be mad, but I thought it would be cute if we shared the same wedding anniversary, but seven years apart." She whispered.

"Is Mike okay with that idea?" I asked her. 

"I'm planning the whole thing by myself. All he has to do is get his tux and be at the alter. He'd mess up something if I let him help plan, so don't think that he put it all on me to do." She told me.

"So if you chose to wear the sluttiest dress you could find, he'd be okay with it?" I asked her.

"No, but he wouldn't have a choice and he would love it, being he'll rip it off easily." She said, getting embarrassed.

"Why don't you use one of your old dance costumes if you can still fit them? The one for your senior solo would be perfect for your wedding dress!" I told her. 

"I have not looked at my old dance stuff in years B, and I doubt since I had kids already that that costume would fit. Besides, I already found a dress I like." She smiled. 

"Do you have a picture of it? I want to see it, even if it's not the definite dress that you'd be getting." I smiled. I'm happy for my sister. 

"I already contacted where this dress was made and they said that I'll have to go in immediately when we get back so they can get everything sized right because they do the whole dress in the store as it gets ordered

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"I already contacted where this dress was made and they said that I'll have to go in immediately when we get back so they can get everything sized right because they do the whole dress in the store as it gets ordered." She smiled, rubbing her arms. 

"This dress looks so beautiful sis. All jokes aside, you are going to make a damn gorgeous bride. Mike won't know what the fuck hit him when he sees you." I told her, pulling her into a huge hug. "I won't know what hit me either when I see you with your dress on. Hell, I can barely believe my baby sister is getting married in six months from now!" I told her, squeezing her.

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