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(Y/N) has a surprise that she wants me to help her with. I'm sure it's something wholesome. I followed her upstairs to the master for her and Mike and when she pulled out what she had for the surprise, it completely shocked me.

"You're.. pregnant?" I asked her, and she nodded.

"I'm still kinda early, but I've always told Mike right away, and I'm scared to even tell him. We weren't even trying to get pregnant again." She said, sitting down on the bed.

I sat by her, and pulled her into a side hug. "I know this is scary. That's how I felt when I found out I was pregnant with Michael. I didn't know how to tell Nick either. Anthony was about to have his transplant, and I just blurted it out. At first, Nick thought I was joking, but he realized I wasn't." I told her, rubbing her arm.

"So you'll help me?" She asked, quietly.

"Definitely." I smiled. "I already have an idea that could work." I whispered.

"I'd love to hear it. This has been nerve wracking. I found out literally two weeks ago, and he still doesn't know. I feel like an awful wife." She cried.

"You are not an awful wife." I told her. "You are just trying to cope with this new journey." I said. "There is nothing wrong with that." I smiled.

"Thanks Livley. Now, what's the idea?" (Y/N) asked.

I explained the whole idea and she loved it, but it also required her to take another test, and it came up quickly that she was pregnant. She quickly changed into her swimsuit and she is gorgeous in it. Her eyes pop with the color.

"All I need you to do is put the test securely in the top part and I'll grab one of Michael's onesies out of his bag." I told her, rummaging through my purse/baby bag after running downstairs to grab it.

"The test is secure under a boob." She smiled, as she comfortably rested her hand on her belly. "I still can't believe I'm pregnant again, but I already love my baby." She smiled.

We quickly walked downstairs to see Mike about to walk upstairs to see where we went. "The kids are getting anxious babe. They want to dig in." He laughed. "But you are extremely sexy in this, I want to dig into you." He smiled that devilish grin.

"Let's go eat and enjoy the day first love." She told him, brushing the comment off.

"We will finish this later." He smiled.

"Grab the cooler of drinks babe." She told him, grabbing the sides, as I grabbed the others.

We all walked outside and sat everything down. I sat by Nick and kissed his cheek. "Where did you go?" He asked.

"Upstairs for some girl talk." I smiled.

This is going to be exciting to see the reaction.


Once we were all full, the kids quickly found their way to the pool, and us adults were left at the table. I looked to Livley and smiled.

"Before we go enjoy the pool, I have some news I'd like to share." I started.

"What is it (Y/N)?" Brendon asked.

"I found out two weeks ago that I'm pregnant!" I said, pulling the test out from my top, with the onesie.

"We're pregnant?" Mike asked, smiling happily.

"Yes, we're pregnant Mikey." I smiled.

"We're pregnant. We're pregnant!" Mike squealed. "Oh my God, we're having another baby." Mike squealed again.

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