Its Time To Come Out...

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For me, this has been long awaited, just like many others in the Urie family. I've been asking my sister when she would come out to the public more honestly about everything and she said she would, she just had to tell Mike first and hope for the best about her past.

She told him last night and called me crying. I rushed over, not liking the idea of my sister crying. Sarah and the kids came with me and we're still at their house. Not a lot of people would consider this precise timing for her to come out, but it is. She came out about her entire past, including her dating history, including her sexuality she falls under.

She let us in the house last night and Mike was sitting on the couch. He was in shock and still is in shock. She's in their room while he sits in here trying to figure everything out for himself. I don't like the idea of her being locked up like she is in the room, but she has the kids in their room with her and she wouldn't dare do anything in front of them.

After a while, making it close to midnight, I went knock on the door, and she opened it, hoping it would be Mike, which was very apparent. Her face dropped as she saw it was me.

"Did Mike tell you anything?" She asked.

"He wants you to come see sis." I told her, rubbing her shoulder.

"I'm scared B. What if he leaves me?" She cried. "I can't raise all five of our kids by myself." She whispered, rubbing her eyes dry.

"He loves you sis. More than you think." I told her, pulling her to me.

"Brendon, he didn't say a word since I told him about everything. I don't think he's going to accept it after all this time." She whisperer, sliding down the wall.

I slid down next to her and she comfortably rested her head on my shoulder. "Sis, calm down. He still loves you. He wouldn't give up on you because of your past because both of your pasts brought you two together." I told her, sighing internally.

She turned her head into my shoulder and started crying. "I don't know B. I shouldn't have told him anything. This was a bad idea!" She yelled, coughing into my shoulder.

Mike eventually came in the hall and sat in front of her. He looked to me and I carefully got out from under her and went to the family room. I hope to God this all goes well.


I can't believe I didn't know everything about my wife like I thought I did. Apparently I just knew the basics about her and there was a layer that I still hadn't uncovered about her, that layer covering her past. I feel bad for not talking to her about it after everything but I'm still in a shock, I don't know what to do.

She's sitting right in front of me in the hallway and I sighed. She's crying her eyes out right in front of me and I don't know how to comfort her. She told me things I never heard before from anyone and it's not something I know how to do off hand. I slid over to her side and pulled her into my lap though, I don't want her to think I'm not going to help her from hurting like she is right now.

"Mike?" She whispered. She sounds so broken.

"I'm right here love." I told her, rubbing her lower back. "I'm not going anywhere. I promised you when we got together. No matter what happened, I would face it by your side because I love you. You've been faithful to your vows and I have been too. I have not been so happy to be tied down to a relationship like this ever before. You are my true love, I can promise you that. Seeing you go through the hell of child birth the two times you did and beautifully deliver five of our children when you could have gotten an abortion or given them up for adoption since it was your choice the whole time and you didn't, goes to show that you have the heart of a woman I aspired to find and I found her in my boss's sister." I told her, holding her on my lap.

"But my past..." She whispered, hiccups coming up too.

"I don't care about your past. Your past made me realize how strong of a person you are and how you actually became how you were. You were hurt by people who should be burning in hell for doing that to you. I wish I could take the pain away from it and I know I can't do that, but I want to keep making things better now so you and me can be together until we're old and wrinkly." I told her, running my fingers through her thick curly black hair.

"I'm scared Mike." She cried quietly.

"You don't have to be scared. Everything is okay." I whispered. "I promise love." I told her, squeezing her in between my arms.

"Careful." She whispered.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Sore." She whispered again.

"From what?" I asked her. I'm so confused.

"Pregnant..." She whispered.

"We're pregnant? That's amazing baby!" I told her, kissing her forehead. "Why are you crying?" I asked her.

"Because we both didn't want another baby, at least I didn't." She whispered.

"Love, the option is still open if you want to rid the pregnancy and you get a complete hysterectomy done so you don't have to deal with this again." I told her.

"What do you think we should do?" She asked and I sighed.

"This is up to you love. This is your body that will be going through something treacherous again, but something so beautiful because we come up with something that is completely us." I told her, holding her to me.

"I want to do the pregnancy, I don't want to do an abortion but I do want to do a complete hysterectomy after I have him or her." She told me and I nodded.

"That's perfectly fine baby. I'll be there by your side the whole time." I told her, kissing her lips gently.

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