Urie Baby Naming

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Brendon did his last show last night for a few weeks due to our new little bundle of joy who is expected to be here very soon. (Y/N) has been on our bus for a few days now because she's the only one who knows what I'm going through being this pregnant on the road, well being pregnant in general. I can tell she misses Mike and their kids tremendously but they both understand that I rather have her with me right now than just being with Brendon and our girls. Neither one of us with our first pregnancies made it this far, she did with the triplets, which I still don't understand how, but she did. We both got to the end of the seventh month with our twins, and I'm lucky I made it to eight. 

Brendon and I don't have a name yet for our little guy and I frankly don't want to do Brendon Jr., because it loses creativity. He's his own person and Brendon is keen on doing Brendon Jr. All the names we went through for him doesn't sound right. 

"Cohen Dallas Urie!" (Y/N) said out of nowhere.

"Cohen is a nice name, but I don't like Dallas for a middle name." I told her, smiling down at my overgrown belly. 

"Cohen Bryce or Cohen Grant. Both of those sound good." She told me. 

"Cohen Bryce Urie." I smiled. "Thank you so much sis." I told her, reaching over to hug her. 

"Do you want to have another name ready for in case?" She asked. 

"Sure, what the hell. It happened to you. Might as well be prepared for it." I told her. 

"What are you thinking for a little girl?" She asked.

"Harper Joy." I smiled. "I wish we could've named either Kylie or Kristine that." I whispered. 

"That is cute. Now what about a boy?" She asked. 

"Trent Dane." I whispered. 

"Those are so cute." She smiled. "I hope that doesn't happen to you like it did to me, but just to be safe." She told me. 

"Can't blame you. We were all kind of expecting it to be a joke the midwife was playing on you and Mike." I told her, which is true. 

"I was too until they had me keep pushing to get them out of there." She whispered. 

Brendon came to the front and sat on my side. "What are you two talking about?" He asked.

"The what ifs that could happen." I told him. 

"Like what?" He asked, scared.

"What if it's not just him in there. That happened to her and Mike and they were just expecting Paisley until a few days before she had them." I told him. 

"I doubt that would happen twice in the same family babe." He whispered, rubbing my belly. 

"We figured out a name for him." I smiled. 

"What is it?" He asked like an excited puppy.

"Cohen Bryce." (Y/N) told him. 

"Let me guess, you came up with it?" He asked her, and she nodded. 

"I'm not gonna lie, it is better than Brendon Jr., so we'll go with Cohen." He smiled. 

"Good, and we also came up with names for in case something happens. I am pretty big for just one." I told him, trying to get him terrified. 


I hope to God Sarah is not pregnant with more than our little Cohen. That was hell on my sister and Mike with sleep, and after he's here, we're going back out. Please tell me it doesn't affect the same family twice.

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