Home Bound Longer Than Expected

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Mike and I have been going over to Sarah and Brendon's house a lot more than we intended too in the time we've been home. Sarah had the babies two weeks ago, yes babies. They also had triplets, which I enjoyed since we found out. Brendon had it fall back on his nose very quickly and I am happy they finally see how it feels at night. 

We've been helping them out, it also feels as if we live with them again. We could be going back on the road right now, but unfortunately, Brendon has laryngitis from overusing his voice while we were out. He's had it since we've been home, and it's only gotten worse trying to keep all his girls calm while Sarah finished out the pregnancy and now that he's trying to keep them quiet so the babies can sleep, it's worsened. Mike and I have been coming over to keep the kids entertained so Brendon can focus on healing his vocal chords so we can go back out in hopefully a week and a half. 

Cohen, Harper, and Trent are the newest Uries and I couldn't be happier for my brother. They are in love with their new three, and I'm so happy that after them too that Sarah had her tubes tied too. No more babies for either one of us unless we decide we want more when we're older, but I doubt that will happen. We each have five, and for me and Sarah, that's about five too many. We already have to deal with our husbands who can act like four year olds when they want too, especially Brendon, so I feel worse for her. 

Mike and I walked in the house and Sarah smiled, but you can see she's exhausted. "Why isn't Brendon helping you? He can still help with the babies!" I told her. 

"He's resting. We were both up all night with them." She told us. 

"You should be the one resting right now, not him. He didn't have to give up months of his life to make those babies, you did, and you could barely rest while he slept like a baby." Mike told her, he's on our side, which I love. 

"I'm being generous. Doctors told us it would be better if he rested more anyways to help with the laryngitis because he can't take so many antibiotics or he won't be able to function without them." Sarah sighed.

"Well, we're here now. You go rest in bed and we'll watch the kids." Mike told her. 

"Thank you." She whispered, yawning. I feel so bad for her. 


To be absolutely honest, I feel so terrible for Sarah. She's been doing everything for their new little three babies and Brendon has been sleeping his life away. That isn't how he should be treating her. I know how hard it is to care for all the kids on my own, and being she just had the triplets and that is a major surgery since she also had her tubes tied, she shouldn't be doing everything on her own. 

After a little while, all the kids were asleep, including both sets of triplets and I smiled. I wouldn't wish ten kids on anyone to care for at once. I'm lucky I have an amazing wife who was here helping me watch all ten. She took the two sets of triplets and I took the two sets of twins. 

Once all the kids were asleep for an hour, I wanna say at least an hour, Brendon finally walked out of his room and was rubbing his face. "The beast finally awakes." I poked. 

"Don't start with me." Brendon texted the two of us. "I'm not feeling good as it is and now I have to explain to my managers that I might not be able to go out for another month with the tour, which sucks a whole lot of dick." He texted again. 

"Well according to Sarah, you've been sleeping lots while she takes care of all five of your kids. That's not fair to her." His sister told him, poking his gut.

"I get that it's not fair. She's exhausted when she finally gets to come to bed but then the babies or the twins get up or it's so bright she can't sleep and she stays up 😭." He texted us again.

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