What he said shocked me immensely. Did he really care that much about me? I looked into his eyes which were filled with determination, seriousness and something else that I couldn’t really put my finger on. It was a strange look- not a harsh one- a look that was gentle, and which made my stomach to somersaults.

     “Do you promise me that Ashley?” Tyler asked again. I realized I didn’t answer to his previous question. Fuck! I was too busy ogling his beautiful features. Those deep blue eyes, the way his brownish blonde hair flopped over his right eye. His perfect jaw muscle……

     I snapped out of it as soon as I realized I didn’t answer this question again. Not quite trusting my voice, I nodded- a bit too eagerly though. Relief and calmness were clear on his facial expressions after, and he leaned in just a bit more forward, his hand still resting on my cheek, toying with a few strands of my hair.

     I stood rooted to the spot, too shocked to lean forwards either, so I just watched him get closer and closer. He was going to kiss me. I knew it. He was. He was! I anticipated his every move as he inched his face closer. And right when we were a few centimetres apart, he pulled away, sighed, and brushed past me.

     He left. Just like that. No kiss, no nothing. I stood there at the same spot, staring straight ahead where Tyler was just standing. I could still smell his cologne that was lingering in the air in front of me. I could still see his blue eyes that I just wanted to fall into and be lost in forever.

     But he left. He left without a kiss. And I think I saw disappointment and frustration in his eyes before he left. Why? Why didn’t he just kiss me? Was there something wrong? Was it Jeremy? I thought he didn’t care about my relationship with Jeremy. I thought…

     I shook my head viciously and ignored the empty longing feeling I had in my stomach. I was just going to pretend like nothing happened. Because nothing did anyway. I let out my breath which I hadn’t realized I was holding in all that while.

     I shrugged off all my various thoughts and walked back down the stairs, still deep in thought. I then came across a very anxious worried Jeremy at the foot of the stairs. Aw great. Couldn’t this guy leave me alone for like, 5 minutes without having to run around like the world's going to end? I mean, it's sweet but geez, he needs to relax for a bit.

     “Hey, you were taking quite some time in there. You okay? You look slightly pale; maybe I should take you to a doctor. Or maybe you should-“I cut him off by planting a quick kiss on the lips. I pulled away and saw a surprised yet satisfied smile on his face. Little did he know that I only did it to shut him up.

     “Cole should be  here any minute. Why don’t you sit-“ he got cut off again by the doorbell. The annoyance in his eyes quickly changed to excitement as he nearly bounded towards the door. I felt my heart rate starting to pick up. I didn’t know why. Maybe it was because I was worried about who this Cole guy would be.

     I hovered around the side of the stairs, preparing to race up the stairs in case I didn’t like the looks or intentions of that Cole guy. Jeremy flung open the door and greeted in his own super-friendly way. I heard a guy's voice behind the door, which was surely Cole's.

     I peeked from around the corner just as Cole entered. I took in his appearance- he had long blonde hair that was ruffled slightly from the wind outside. He wore a dark blue hoodie with black jeans and a white beanie. He was actually pretty good looking. But nothing and no one would top off Tyler.

     He also looked really strangely familiar. I just couldn’t put my finger on it. It suddenly clicked in my head. But no, it couldn’t be….could it? Naaaaw. Probably not. There are a lot of guys that probably looked like him. But still…could it be…?

Just Another Teenage OutcastΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα