11- Finally

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Ray's POV

"Shit!" I whispered to myself. I don't know what to do, if I don't let him in he'll think something is up and if I do let him in then he might find out Raven is here. "Um give me a second!" I shouted from the stair case. I went to Raven's room and open her door so i could lock it from the inside. I shut it softly making sure not to disturbed her rest because she needs it considering all the shit she's been going through. I ran downstairs and opened the door for Prod.

"Hey Prod what's up?". Prod walked into my house and took a seat on my couch. "Mane I been thinking about what happened... I really fucked up... I-I shouldn't have tried to push her back to me so fast... I should've just let her come on her own and offered to be friends or something.." Prod said has he started crying silent tears.

Mane what is up with everybody crying to me.... First Jacob, Then Raven, Now Prod? I must be a trustworthy nigga since everybody coming to me with their problems. "Prod Look..." I said taking a seat next to him. "She'll come in time, just try to give her some space..".

Prod shook his head "No! She's with Jacob now... she'll never take me back.." He said as he started shaking, his tears coming down a bit faster. "Prod! Chill! Okay? Maybe she wont take you back, but you have to respect the fact that she is choosing her own road to happiness.. and isn't that all that matters? That she's happy?"

Prod nodded "Yeah... but I need to have her in my life. I mean we have a connection! I'm the one who changed her! Not Jacob! Why can't she just let me prove my love to her and give us a chance.." he said, once again his tears increasing.

"I know it hurts Prod but think about it. She'll forgive us all one day.. even if it takes person by person.. she'll forgive us all and when she does we can all be friends again..." I put a hand on his shoulder "I know it wont be as good as dating but wouldn't you rather have her in your life as a friend than not at all?"

Prod sniffled up his tears and nodded "Yeah I guess you're right.."he stood up and gave me a bro hug "Thanks Ray" "No Problem Prod" I said as I was walking him to the door.

This didn't go bad at all.. I got my bestie back and I helped Prod without him even finding out, man am I good or what?

"Bye Prod" "Bye Ra-" As soon as he was about to leave there was a bump coming from upstairs. "What was that?" Prod asked taking a step back in the house. "Um nothing... something probably fell... Ill check it out later, Bye Prod" I said trying to push him out the door but before I could the worst thing that couldve happened, happened. Thanks to our super hearing not only could I hear Raven's small call for me but so could Prod...

"Raven?" Prod said staring at the stairs. "Prod! Wait!". Before I could grab him he shot up the stairs causing me to run right after him. I came up the stairs to find him trying to break down her door. "Rae let me in!" He kept yelling over and over as he tried to break off her door knob.

"Prod chill!" I yelled as I used every bit of super strength I had to push him back a few feet causing him to fall on his ass. "Don't you understand the word 'SPACE'! I Just Said to GIVE HER SPACE!" I yelled got in front of her door. "Wha- Why Is She Over Here!?!" Prod asked going from upset to angry.

"That's Nun of your damn business! She needed my help just like you did and she's staying the night but you're not! Now Leave!" I yelled praying in my mind that Rae didn't jump out of a window or something. "O-Okay.." Prod said lightly "But can I please just see her, I want to apologize" he said hanging his head down low.

He was being serious so I took a deep breath. "Give me a minute" I grabbed the spare key from my pocket and gave him a strict look "Stay. Here" I said as I unlocked her door, stepped in her room, then shut and locked the door behind me.

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