1- Ready to party?

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Beep! Beep! Beep!-

Ugh, another day of living..... I mean what is the purpose of living forever if you don't have nothing to live for?? I mean I could just end it all but I still have some hope. Some hope that one day......just maybe my love will come back to me. I mean she's a vampire too now so she should be somewhere on this earth......at least I hope.

Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Ding-dong!!

Ugh! Why does he always ring my door bell like a mad man like really....and I know his ass got a key so why don't he just-

Ding-dong! Ding-dong! Ding-dong!!!!


So I walked out my room in my white T and my boxers and went down my stairs to open the door.

Ding-dong! Ding-do-


"Lol, good morning to you too"

"Ugh, why the fuck did you keep ringing my damn door bell when I know damn well yo ass got a key?"

Ray walked in my house and went right to my kitchen "Because I wanted to make sure yo ass was up" he said as he took out some of my taco's that I keep in there just for him and a cup of blood. And before you ask yes, Ray's a vampire too, so is Roc and Prince......and a few other people but I tell you about them when we get to them.

"Well I'm up so what do you want???"

"Well I just wanted to tell you that me and the boys were thinking about going to this all new club called 'The Vamps' tonight and we just wondering if you wanted to join us??"

I let out a sigh and grab a piece a pizza from last night then put it in the microwave to heat it up "Naw, I think i'll just stay home today...."

Ray sighed then looked at me with a 'are you serious look'. Once he gave me that look I knew exactly what he was about to say...

"Really Prod? I mean come on man everytime we ask you to come hang you just wanna stay home. I mean we all know you miss her......we do too but you gotta move on"

I sighed knowing that he was right I mean she was all of our friends but when she left me..she left us all "I know but it's just.....hard"

Ray walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder then gave me a little smile "It's ok man.....but, please. Come with us tonight.....if you don't have a good time then you don't ever have to come again ok?"

I let out a sigh then gave a shrug I mean it's just one night......what do I have to lose "Um, sure...let's do it"

Ray smiled "Now that's what I wanted to hear....I'm gon go head over to Roc's but be ready by midnight cause once those lights go out we got a long run....I mean we could drive but who's gonna drive all the way from Philly to LA?"

"Wait, did you just say LA?!?!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you the club is in La"

"So, it's open for like everyone?"

"No, only vampires can get in cause only vampires can find it.....it's like high up in the forest in some cave.."

"Oh wow..."

"Yeah, so we're just gonna run there I mean by running we can make it there in about 1 hour"

"Yeah, you right"

"I know, anyways I'm bout to go, so see you tonight ight?"

I smiled and gave Ray dap "Ight"

Ray smiled then ran out my house, shut & locked my door, got in his car and pulled off in like 3 seconds......but what can I say, we all got that Vampire speed.

Well it's now 1 pm so I better start getting ready for tonight I mean it's been 300 years since I went out but I guess it wouldn't hurt....anyway I gotta get ready for my shower now so yeah....um...get lost, bye!
So how y'all like my first chapter?? I think it sucked but I told y'all this story was coming out in November so I had to update. Anyway Vote & Comment! Until next time


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