12- Breakfast

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Ray's POV

I woke up in my room. Everything from yesterday came flooding back into my mind like a dream. Did Raven really come to my house? Did Jacob take her Virginity? Did Rae Forgive Prod For real? It all didn't seem real. Eh, One Way To Find Out. 

I Got Up and Made my way towards Rae's Room. When I opened the door Raven's Bed was made and everything was in place. I knew it was too good to be true. I went back to my room and flopped on my bed. I'm mad that my mind would play such a evil trick on me. I guess I'll get over it. Anyway what time is it? I reach my hand over to my dresser to grab my phone but it wasn't there.

"What the hell.." I got up and looked on my bed, dresser, and my floor. "Where the fuck is my phone?" I wonder if I left it downstairs. I made my way downstairs and the smell of scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, sausages, pancakes, Orange juice, french toast, coffee, and blood Hit my nose. "What the.." "Morning Rayray" Rae said placing a plate on the table. "Breakfast is almost ready". I just stared at her, I thought last night was a dream. I guess it was real. 

Rae caught me staring "Ray? You Good?" She said making her way over to me. She was now wearing a pair of skinny jeans with her old #Vamp crop top. "Y-Yeah.... I just thought Last Night Was A Dream..". Rae smiled and gave me a hug, "Haha Nope. It was all real. Which Reminds Me.." She pulled my phone out of her pocket "Here's Your Phone.. Sorry If I Gave You a mini heart attack" She giggled. 

"So You're The Phone Thief! But Why You Take my phone?" She laughed a bit but looked at me once more. "I Needed it to text everybody to come to your house for breakfast" "Wait What?".

Right as those words escape my lips I heard my doorbell ring. "Nigga open up! I'm hungry and I can smell blood and food from here!" Roc said banging on my door. "Ite hold up damn!" I looked over at Rae "Should I open it" "No.. Just give me a second...".

She began using her super speed and placed six fixed plates on the tables, put down six cups, placed a knife and fork beside each plate then finally placed a big bowl of fresh fruit, two plates of buttered toast, and three pitchers in the center of the table, one filled with Orange juice, one filled with Milk and the other one filled with with Blood.

"Where'd you get the blood and fresh fruit?" I asked. "From a farm... I ran to Ohio this morning at like five am and once I got all the fruit I needed I killed a cow, which leaves you with a lot of blood left. You're welcome" I looked down at my phone and saw it was 8:30, Damn she''s been up cooking for hours.

"Ray LET US IN!" Prince said banging on my door along with Roc. "IF YOU GUYS BREAK MY DOOR IMA RIPPING OFF YOUR HEADS!" "....". That's what I thought. 

"Okay I'm Done" Rae said as the coffee finished. It all looked very breath taking. She remembered everyone's favorite dish plus drink. Amazing. I went to the door and right when I was about to open it Rae got behind me. "What are you doing?" "Shh... They don't know I'm here" "Ohh Okay I got it".

I opened the door and Roc and Jacob came sprinting in. "Oh My God Dude! This Food Looks Amazing!" Prince Said taking in the view, along with the smell. "Yeah! When Did You Learn To Cook?!" Roc as amazed. "I Didn't". "Then Who Cooked All This?" Roc asked looking confused along with Prince. "I Did.." Rae said stepping from behind my back. The looks on Roc and Prince face was just Priceless, they were frozen. I heard a giggle escape from Raven lips as she took a few steps forward. "Well? Do A Girl Get Any Love Around Here? Where My Hugs At?". Roc was the first to super speed over to Rae giving her a tight hug as he spun her around. "RAVEN I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" He said placing her down "I've Missed You Too Rocky".

Prince Ran over as well and picked her up with a spin. "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU'RE HERE!" Prince said finally putting her down "Well Believe it Misfit" She said with a laugh. I heard my doorbell ring again and I opened it. "Where is she?! Did You Find Her!? Is She Okay!!?" Jacob Said All Out Of Breath. "Slow Down! What Do You Mean?" "You text Me saying You Found Rose" "What.. No I Didn't.."

That's when I heard Raven's voice from behind me "Yeah Ray Didn't Text You, I Did"

Jacob L's POV

As Soon as I heard her voice I ran inside and picked her up "Oh My Goodness ! I-I Thought I'd Never See You Again!" I could feel the tears running down my face. I'm just so happy she's safe. "Of course. I could never leave you, especially not after what happened the other night" She said with a smile. I put her down and hugged her tight, placing my head in the crook her her neck. "I'm Sorry.. I'm So Sorry.." I said, the tear flowing more quickly. "Shhh... Jacob, Jacob look at me..." She said softly. I pulled away and looked her in her now light blue calm eyes. "There's No Need To Be Sorry, We're Going To Get Through This"

"What Are You Guys Talking About?" I looked up to see a confused Roc and Prince looking at us. "Should We Tell Them?" I asked Rose softly. "I Wanted To Wait For Prod To Get Here So I Could Tell Everyone-" "Tell Everyone What?" Prod Asked walking in. I tensed up a bit, but wouldn't you? Last time I saw him he was beating the hell out of me! Rose walked in front of me and stepped up to Prod slowly. "Prod Don't Be Mad Okay?" "Mad? Why Would I Be Mad?" Oh Gawd. I Hope He Takes This Well... 

Prod's POV

I got a text from Ray saying to come over for Breakfast, usually I wouldn't cause this nigga can't cook but then I remembered Raven was there so I decided I'd come. Just as I was about to knock on Ray's door I heard Jacob say "Should We Tell Them?" and Raven respond with "I Wanted To Wait For Prod To Get Here So I Could Tell Everyone-"

That's when I opened the door and stepped in "Tell Everyone What?" I saw Jacob tense up, probably because he thought I'd Get mad or something. Which remind me I need to apologize to him about that. I saw Raven walk in front of him and step closer to me. "Prod Don't Be Mad Okay?" "Mad? Why Would I Be Mad?" Ray looked nervous along with Jacob while Prince and Roc looked just as confused as I did. "Well... The other Night Jacob Um.. Jacob Took My Virginity and Now... Now I'm Pregnant"  Roc and Prince gasped and turned to look at my reaction, along with Ray and Jacob. "Prodigy.. please.. don't be mad" Rae whispered, placing her hand on my fist which I didn't know I had even made. 

I Didn't want to go off cause that wouldn't help anything. I began to feel tears slip from my eyes, so I did the only thing that would come to any Vampires mind at a moment like this. I Ran. 


Hey You Guys! I know It's Been A While But Hopefully I Didn't Lose That Many Readers! Anyway Let Me Know How You Felt About This Chapter by Commenting Below and If You Liked It Please Let Me Know By Voting! Thank You! 

Until Next Time

~ TJ

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