13- Forgiveness

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Raven's POV

"Prod wait!" I yelled out. But it was way too late. He was already a good few miles away.

"Dammit. I knew this would happen.." Jacob mumbled. I walked up to him and softly pecked his lips. "It's okay baby.." I gave him a soft, reassuring hug, before I pulled back. "Ray. You guys stay here and enjoy breakfast. Ima try and go find Prod."

"What? No!" Jacob and Ray said in unison. "Baby no... I don't want you getting hurt. We have a baby to think about" Jacob said approaching me, placing a soft hand on my stomach. "Yeah.. and you know how Prod gets sometimes.. His emotions aren't stable..." Ray said, walking up to me as well.

"I know, I know. Just trust me. I'm the only one who can probably calm him down. Just trust me, please". Ray sighed but nodded. "Okay. Go." "What? No!". "Baby.. Please.. Ill be back soon. If I'm not back in the next 20 minutes then you can all come find me. But until then, enjoy the food."

"Don't have to tell me twice" Prince said, taking a seat at the table, Roc soon joining him. I couldn't help but chuckle. Should've known them two fat asses would be the first to enjoy. I turned my attention back to Jacob, giving him one more kiss. "Ill be back soon, don't worry" I murmured against his lips. I took one more look at him and Ray, before speeding out of the door.

Now, where did Prod go?

Prod's POV.

I ran to the only place I felt at peace. The forest area near my house where me and Raven used to go to watch the skies. Once I got there I fell. Just collapsed to the ground.

After all these years.. All this time.. Jacob of all people! I was supposed to be the one to take her virginity. I was supposed to be the first to impregnate her. Me.

That's one of the reasons I turned her into a Vampire in the first place! Yes, It was to be together forever. So she'd never die. But also because I was planning to finally make love to her. Finally show her how much she means to me. To make her heart and body feel how much I love her. But I didn't want to hurt her. As much as I would've loved to make passionate, slow, love to her, I wouldn't have been able to. Vampires are naturally rough and quick. I would've hurt her. Maybe even killed her. I couldn't live with myself if that would've happened. So I turned her. But, as you know, that didn't go well either.

I laid back into the soft grass, running my hands over my face. "Ugh... Relax... Just.. Relax.." I mumbled to myself.

Raven's POV

Prod's house. Wow. It has been so long. I took in a deep breathe. I can't get emotional now. Not now. I calmed myself and focused on where Prod's vibe was coming from. The forest! Of course. I super-speeded over to tour old hang out, before walking into the little entrance.

"...Relax... Just.. Relax.." I hear Prod murmuring as he had his hands over his face.

"Nice to know you're trying to control your emotions better..." I say as I slowly walked over to him. "Can I sit?" I ask softly, once I was about a foot away from him. Once he looked at me, I could see what he was feelings. His eyes were swirling with colors. They were mainly blue from being depressed and sad, with a hint of red from anger, and a bit of black from his inner demon trying to take over.

"Y-yeah.. Sit.." He murmured, starring me down. I nodded, before sitting down next to him. I looked into his eyes once more. I broke eye contact once I saw a spark of pink start to appear in his eyes.

"So.. I came to talk to you.. I know you must have so much to say.. And I can understand you're hurt.. I .. I just wanted to say.. I'm sorry."

"Wait...You're sorry?" Craig said looking over to me. "Why? Why are you sorry..?" I chuckled before shaking my head. "Craig.. Don't. I know you don't want to place the blame on me. But let's be real. I hurt you. I caused you alot of pain over these last few hundred years. And for that. I'm so sorry."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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