7- Starting over and giving up

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Raven chocked Prod n now she's making Prod take her to wherever Ray, Roc, and Prince took Jacob.
Recap over

Prod's POV

So I finally found Ray n them. They where at our old hang out in Vegas. It's this old abandon place me, Ray, Roc, Prince, and Raven use to hang out at.

Yes I said Raven. She use to get on my back as I super speeded us here to hang.

You see this is part of the reason I...well turned her into a Vampire. I mean she knew I was a vamp and was perfectly fine with it. She loved it when I ran us places and she didn't mind me drinking blood. Actually, she HELPED me hunt!

So I figured, she liked hunting...she liked running fast.....and she told me she loved me, which made me think that turning her into a vamp would be the right thing to do so we could be together forever. But I guess I was wrong :/

Anyway once we walked inside Raven super speeded over to Jacob -.- I guess to comfort her boo...

Ravens POV

Once I got inside I super speeded to Jacob. He was all bruised n beat up. Good thing vampires heal fast because he looked awful !

"Oh my god ! Are you okay??" "Yeah.. It just hurts a little but ill be fine in about 30 minutes.." I smiled softly "Good". I look down and started to play with my fingers "Jacob?" "Yeah?". "Im sorry....t-this is all my fault... I-I should have just believed you and none of this would have happened" "Aye! It's not your fault..."

Jacob sat up a little on his elbows and held my hand "Listen, once I heal up we can go back home or something okay? I don't want any of this to effect us.... So how about it Rose? You wanna go back home and start over...maybe this time we can be more than friends?"

I smiled and gave Jacob a hug "Yeah...I would like that"

Prods POV

So I'm standing here heart broken and empty.

Jacob's taking her. They are gonna start over...as more than friends....

As mad as I am I want Raven to be happy, even if that means letting her go....again.

Ray walked over to me, looking concerned "Are you okay bruh?". I nodded "Yeah..". "You sure?" Prince asked walking over. "Yeah..." I took one more look at Raven. She has Jacob's head in her lap and they are just smiling and laughing and shit. "Guys...I think I'm just gonna head on home..."

"Okay...do you want us to come with you?" Roc asked stepping up. "Nah..... I need some alone time to just...think" Ray nodded "Okay man.... Look, me and the guys will be home in about an hour, ok?" "Ite..."

And with that I was off... Because....

I give up......

Alone again....

Ray's POV

Prod took off fast. He's heartbroken and empty...I can feel it. Certain vamps can feel certain vamps and I can feel Prod...... And Roc n Prince.

Anyway once Prod was long gone me, Roc, and Prince went up to Jacob and Raven

"Um Raven?"

"Rose, call me Rose"


"Yes Rayan?"

"Ugh, can you just call me Ray like you use to?

Raven- I mean Rose gave me a straight face "No, now what do you want Rayan?"

"Look, I just wanted to say that I hope one day we can all be friends again..like the old days, ya know?"

Rose sighed and shook her head "Rayan....I don't think-"

That's when Jacob L stepped in "Yeah, she would like that........wouldn't you Ro?"

"Ugh, I'll think about it okay?"


Latimore cleared his throat and I looked over to him "Yo Ray? After me and Ro leave can you do me a favor and tell Prod that I'm sorry....for everything."

"No problem man..."

Rose sighed "Jake...you feel good enough to go yet? I don't wanna be here any longer"

I could tell Raven or Rose as she prefers didn't wanna be here anymore. Everytime I would talk to Jacob or something she would just look around the room and hold back her tears.

I guess she's starting to remember all the good memories we all had in here.

Jacob nodded "Yeah. I guess I'm good enough to run."


Latimore just chuckled "You are so childish sometimes..."

Rose: Oh shut up, you know you love it

Latimore bite his lip "Hell yeah I do"

Rose just giggles "Oh my god! Lets just go.."

Rose and Latimore got up but Jacob was still a little sore so he had to put his arm around Rose to balance himself a little bit.

Rose: You ready?

Latimore nodded "Yeah..." Jacob kissed Rose on her lips "Lets go."

And with that they where off...

13 votes and 4 comments for the next chapter. Bye


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