Round 4: Entries

38 1 0

Daniella Harmus


Lyla Summers

Dear James,

The Shreiking Shack is a house inside the Whomping Willow. It's not haunted, as many people believe. The howls they heard was made form Remus Lupin, I've told you all about him. He was a werewolf. It holds many memories for me. Both good and bad. I'd rather not relive them.

I'm not quite sure why you are asking me about the Shrieking Shack. And I'm not sure if I want to know.


P.S. You should count yourself lucky that I found your letter before your mum did.

Lyla finished reading the letter, then handed it back to James. "Wait," she said, as she recognized one of the names. "Wait. Remus Lupin was a werewolf? Remus Lupin? As in Ted's father?"

Her voice rose in increduity, but the end of her question was muffled as James quickly stiffled her words with his hand. With peircing blue eyes, Lyla glared at him. It was a warning.

Instantly, James removed his hand. "Yes, Ted's half-werewolf. Don't tell anyone. Heavens knows what would happen if the Slytherins found out."

More than likely they'd give Ted hell. It was bad enough that they knew he was an orphan. Lyla glanced around, seeing if anyone was listening. No one was. "Of course I wouldn't tell anyone. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

James shrugged, folding up the letter and tucking it in his pocket. "I guess I just didn't want anyone to make fun of him."

That made sense. "I'd never do that, you know."

"Of course I do. Come on, it's almost time for our next class." James got up, waiting for her.

Lyla sighed, leaving her plate of food behind. Grabbing her bag, she got up, following James. Her next class was Defense Against The Dark Arts. It was rather unfortunate. She didn't really like using energy after she ate, and in this class, there was plenty of action.

"Why do we even need this class?" Lyla complained as they walked through the open doors of the Great Hall.

"To defend ourselves against the greatest fears known to wizardkind." James said pompously, exaggerating greatly. "Come, my fearless ally, let us become heroes. Let us defeat our enemies. Let us face our fears."

"Really?" asked Lyla. "Then what's your fear, my brave companion?"

James was silent for a moment, waiting for the staircase to come along. Once it arrived, James took a step on it after Lyla. He avoided looking at her face.

"Oh, come, you won't tell your partner in crime?"

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