Round 4: A Boggart Among Us

66 5 4

You're in Defense Against the Dark Arts, when your professor tells you something that makes your blood run cold. There's a boggart running loose about the castle. As he teaches you the spell, you realize that at any given moment, you could come face to face with your very worst fear.

Then, one day, it happens. You come face to face with your worst nightmare.


-Describe your characters feelings as your teacher tells you about the boggart.

-How does your character feel about the boggart?

-How does your character face the boggart? Do they run, do they face it?

-Your character can face the boggart more than once.

-Have fun with your entry!

-No entry length limit.

Entries are due SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH at MIDNIGHT of CENTRAL TIME. Entries submitted after then will not count and will have a three point deduction taken from their final scores.

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