Hufflepuff 1: Isabel Kirkland (ArmedWithQuillAndInk) (Eliminated)

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Name: Isabel Kirkland

Age: 15

Gender: Female

House: Hufflepuff

Physical Description: Hair:  Windswept; wooly texture. Bit curly/Wavy. Brown. Comes down to her waist, usually tied back. Blue-green Eyes, Lightly tanned, 4'11

Traits: She can be quite quick witted, but sometimes sarcasm/innuendos/etc will go over her head completely, or she won't realise what it meant until some time later.

She finds it difficult to concentrate on repetitive tasks. 

3: She is fascinated by wandlore.

She has a few close friends she made in first year,  doesn't really try to make strong bonds with anyone else.

She is really sensitive about her height, has a severe Napoleon complex.

She spends her time looking after the creatures her she and playing Quidditch.

Although preferring the company of at least one person throughout the day,  she will allocate an hour of her time to herself.

Her eyebrows start out ratger rlthick, then thin out

She is very stubborn.

She is quite passive, and normally passive-aggressive when insulted.

She isn't easily angered, but can be extremely terrifying when she is.

She is flat footed and has very heavy footsteps.

Her food only turns out alroght when someone is there with her. If left unsupervised, she will either get impatient and eat/serve it undercooked,  or get bored and leave the the food to burn, only remembering her meal when the fire alarm goes off.

She can hold a grudge for decades if she sees fit.

Blood Status: Half-Blood

Wand: Cherry and Dragon heartstring. 13", slighty springy

Patronus: Danish Landrace sheep

Boggart: Everyone suddenly leaving her

Favourite class: Care of magical creatures

Quidditch position: Beater

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