Gryffindor 3: Daniella (Dani) Harmus (Love2write154) (3rd Place)

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Name: Daniella (Dani) Harmus

Age: 16

Gender: Female

House: Gryffindor

Physical Description:  Dani is tall with blonde hair that she has put coloured streaks in.  She has bright blue eyes that can most of the time make you scared.

Traits: Dani is also pretty mean and likes to pick on the little Slytherins since she is a sixth year.  Also, she can almost always tell when someone is lying to her.

Blood Status:  Pure Blood

Wand Description:  Phoenix Core, ash, eleven inches with gold designs.

Boggart:  Dementors, those things are terrifying man!

Patronus:  A lion, ironically.

Favorite Class: Transfiguration, of course.

Quidditch Postion: Beater

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