Round 1: Entries

216 9 0


Annaliss (Liss) Young


Taylor Maya


Daniella (Dani) Harmus

 The scarlet Hogwarts Express is before me, blowing its horn in that cheery tune that I've heard since I was eleven.  I hugged my parents goodbye and went to find my best friends, Annalisa and Lyla.  We had been best friends since our first year.  

Lyla and I were the more sarcastic two of the three but Liss gave us a smack if we needed one to ring us back down from our high horse.  We handed our luggage over to one of the helpers, waiting to help us.  They took it and got it onto the train.  We found our usual entrance d went over to the compartment we always seemed to sit in.  In there were some little first years who looked like they were going to be in Slytherin, our rival house.  Lyla and I glared at them and ordered them, "Move twerps."  

What seemed to be the leader of the group glared back but eventually lost against the two of us because we were older and definitely bigger  She motioned the group to follow her and they left our compartment.  

Once we were seated, I pulled out my transfiguration book and started reading so that I could get ahead in my classes like I usually was.  But, once I pulled out my book and got settled in to read, I remembered what my first train ride had been like.  

I was just barely eleven and my mum had braided my hair into two little pigtails after saying that she wanted to do that for almost the last time.  Something about me being her little girl and not wanting me to grow up or something like that.  I was somewhat unhappy because I had also received an acceptance letter from the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic but Mummy said no.

I got onto the large train in my tiny body as I was only eleven.  As soon as my parents could no longer see me, I quickly unwove my hair and left it down so that  would be able to hide my cheeks if I was embarassed.  

I looked around and saw two other girls, who looked around my age and looked nice enough.  One was on the shorter side and had dark hair with brown eyes.  The other was taller with black hair and bright blue eyes.  

I walked over to them and introduced myself.  "Hi, I'm Dani.  Can I sit with you two?"

The brown eyed girl just nodded while the blue eyed one responded.  "Hey there blondie.  I'm Lyla and this is Annalisa," gesturing to the other girl, "we were just about to find us some seats." 

We looked around and found an empty compartment and sat down. 

Then, Lyla spoke again.  "I think that we should be best friends."

Annalisa nodded and I grinned and from that day on, we became inseperable.  

Once we had decided that we were best friends, I settled into a position with my transfiguration book and started studying because I liked to be ahead.  

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