Slytherin 3: Isadora (Isa) Laquor (qveen-) (Eliminated)

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Name: Isadora Laquor (Isa)

Gender: Female

Age: 17

House: Slytherin

Description: Isa's long hair is a dark black, with blue undertones. Her eyes are a light grey that really pop out against her lightly tanned skin. She is some what short, with her height being 5 feet 3 inches. 

Traits: Isa, is a metamophmagus. She doesn't like to change her apperance in large crowds, but those she trusts, she will transform in front of. She is spiteful towards her enemies, but she doesn't have many that she knows over. She is overtrusting, and is really good at keeping her emotions hidden. 

Blood Status: She is biologically a half-blood, because her birth mother is a witch, but her mother ran out on her father, her siblings, as well as Isa herself. She was raised by her muggle family, so many consider her muggle-born. She doesn't know much about her mother.

Wand: willow, with dragon heartstring

Patronus: bobcat

Boggard: Her father dead 

favortie class: Defense against the Dark Arts

Quidditch: Seeker

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