Round 7: A (Un)Deadly Duel

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A final tast to end the TriWizard Tournament. A duel between the two highest scorers of the tasks thus far. You may use your wands of course, but that is it. You may not kill your opponent, seek to push them out of the ring that surrounds your arena. Injuries may occur (mediwizards are standing by as always).

The winner of the TriWizard tournament will be decided by duel. This duel.


~Desribe your characters feelings as they head into the duel.

~Describe the duel, what happens, what spells do you use, do you get injured?

~Do you win your duel?

~Have fun!

~This is the final round in this writing competition, so please, have fun with this entry guys! c:

Entries are due SATURDAY, MARCH 7TH at MIDNIGHT of CENTRAL TIME. Any entries submitted after then will have a three point deduction taken from their final scores (unless you have an extension.)

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