Round 2: Results

100 5 0

Each vote counted for two points, and will be added onto the scores from last time.


Annaliss (Liss) Young- 0

Taylor Maya- 0

Daniella (Dani) Harmus- 14

Lyla Summers- 12

Lenore Elsom- 18

Annette Cole- 0

Isadora (Isa) Laquor- 0

Ardelle Aloe- 16

Lindsay Patterson- 0

Melanie Braxton- 10

Jamie Rickter- 14

Silver Blueshine- 0

Isabel Kirkland- 8

Lena Alberts- 4

Alexanrda (Lexi) Grey Witt- 2

Melanie Divoux- 0


Annalisa (Liss) Young

Taylor Maya

Annette Cole

Isadora (Isa) Laquor

Lindsay Patterson

Melanie Divoux

Isabel Kirkland

 Round three will be up soon.

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