Anticipation of things to come.

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His tongue swiped my lower lip for access, the minute our tongues collided, I let out a moan in to his mouth. His hand gripped my hair and gave it a tug. My hands slid up his t-shirt and found his abs, letting out a quick hiss , he gripped my hip with force and moved his mouth off of mine to my neck, sucking on my pulse.

I gave out a gasp and raked my fingers down his back, to which he gave a smile I could feel on my collar bone, where he was planting kisses. "I take that as a yes."
"Yes." I breathed, opening my eyes to his, dark and filled with hunger. He pushed my face back to his and lifted me so I was straddling him.

His hands roamed my body before lifting my shirt and moving his hand to my breast, kneading it and squeezing causing me to let out another moan. Without slowing down, he moved his hand under my bra and found my hard nipple, pinching and tugging, making me forget where I was for a moment and whimper before realising how open we really were.

I pulled his face to meet mine and forced his eyes to focus on my own. "I need to get back. Tomorrow?"
He removed his hands from my boobs and placed them on my waist, "Tomorrow." He replied, pulling me in for another deep kiss and gripping my ass, leaving me breathless. I stood up to leave and fixed my top.

"Night Sweetheart." He gave me smirk and watched me leave.
"Enjoy your sleep happy." I threw across my shoulder with a slight smirk gracing my face.

I made my way back to the cabin to find the girls asleep on their beds. I laid down with a grin and wondered, if he was able to cause my body to react with just a kiss, what was going to happen tomorrow? The excitement filled me and the memories of tonight took over my thoughts. I could still feel his lips on mine and his touch burning on my skin.

I woke the next morning with a smile on my face, in anticipation for later. No commitment, just fun and I was certain there would be a lot of fun to come my way.

I took off for my morning run and enjoyed seeing the birds by the lake as I went past. Today was going to be a good day and I couldn't wait to see what would happen. I continued till I was back at the shower block and taking my time to freshen up.

As I was arranging my bag and gathering my clothes to get changed, a hand grabbed my arse causing me to jump. I turned to find Kyle, with the same dark eyes as last night, eating me alive. Taking the opportunity he wrapped his hands around my waist, pulling me flush with his dressed chest.

He planted a mouth watering kiss on my lips before flashing me a grin. "Morning sweetheart." It took me a moment to gather my brain to form words.
"Someone seems happy." Moving my hands around his neck playing with his hair.
"Mmmm." Was the only response I got getting me to smile smugly. He brushed his nose down my neck, causing me to shiver and nibble on my ear lobe. "I'm not sure I can wait till later, I want you now Brit."
"So impatient tough guy." And I took the opportunity to move his head back to my own and gave him a deep kiss in return.

He moved his hand to play with the bottom of my towel, "It's unfair to expect me to wait when you're naked under this."
I chuckled, how true his words were when I felt the bulge residing in his shorts. I managed to force our bodies away before anything could happen further. "I need to get ready and have a coffee. You need to control your body before those kids get the wrong impression." i said chuckling.
"I can think of a few ways to sort it, all with your assistance sweetheart." He flashed his smile at me.
I rolled my eyes before stopping at the door, "I'll see you later Kyle."
"Later Brit." He said chuckling.

My morning flew by, the kids really enjoying the instruments and really getting the hang of their lessons. If they continued trying, I was sure the summer show would be a great success.

At lunch, I'd grabbed my food and was headed to the coffee machine. I was stood waiting when I felt his body press up against me from behind. I arched my back pressing my bum into him, causing his hand to slip under my top pulling my back to him tighter. A quick kiss placed behind my ear, as the queue moved again his hand dropped, leaving me to miss his warm touch on my skin. "See you after lunch."

I brushed past him heading to the table, biting my bottom lip and felt his hand graze my thigh. I wasn't sure how quiet we could keep this, if this was how he was going to act from now on. As I scanned the room, no one had seemed to notice as they were all engrossed with discussion. A wave of relief washed over me and I hoped he could keep his hands to himself before this evening.

"Hey where were you last night sunshine? I got back and you weren't there?" I hadn't expected Elle to ask me this, I should have thought about what to say before now.
"I'd decided to give the family a call and took a walk to the lake. By the time I got back you girls were already sleeping." Hoping she wouldn't press any further. Kelly, however was eyeing me suspiciously.

"Oh cool. Well girls, we three are off tomorrow and Sunday, so I was thinking tomorrow we head into town and do some shopping and enjoy some girl time. What do you think?" Elle said looking between us both for confirmation. We both nodded in agreement. Depending on how tonight went, I hope she wasn't expecting me to be up early?

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