Fog and Heat.

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The next week and a half went by quickly. The girls were really funny and so down to earth. We made a point to eat breakfast and dinner together everyday and slowly started enjoying the company of others here.

Kyle was his usual flirty self and was still trying to entice me. I kept my head clear and my sarcastic comments on point. This was now our usual way of communicating with each other, that the girls just left us to it.

Shady Oaks, was quickly becoming one of my favourite places and I was enjoying every minute. We had a couple of down days and we ventured out to go shopping, enjoying what the city nearby had to offer and would come back for dinner. There wasn't a curfew as long as you were up for your schedules the following day and didn't drink to excess if you were of age.

I was getting so much from it that it worried me how quick it was going. I wasn't sure I'd want the summer to end. I spoke to the family back home every couple of days, I was a little homesick once or twice so far but only when I had to adult and do my clothes or something, otherwise I was enjoying the freedom I was given.

This morning was like every other and I decided to go for a run to start my day. As I was making my way past the lake, I spotted Kyle leaning against one of the trees I went past on my route.

"Such a stalker Kyle." I slowed to a stop in front of him, where he was smirking.
"I enjoy the view I get every morning, Brit." He said playfully.
"Oh happy, when will you learn to stop creeping on me and get on with your summer?" I said with a less than bothered tone.
"When you give in. I know you want to Sweetheart, only a matter of time." He said eyeing me playfully.
"Perseverance is a good quality when done right. Shame it doesn't suit you." I said back.
"You saying you haven't thought about it?" He was now stood so close, I could feel his breath in my ear when he said it.

My pulse started to race with the close proximity and I was slowly starting to forget why I was fighting this. "No." I breathed.
His fingers softly holding my waist, as he dipped his head and his nose brushed down my neck. "Your body gives you away, Brit." He placed a soft kiss on my collarbone before, pulling away and walking away. "See you later babe." He said looking smug.
"Yeah. Bye." I was stunned and he could tell, as he chuckled in the distance.

What the hell was that about? I couldn't let him get in my head like this. Sure he was very attractive, I also had thought about him and his body on more than one occasion but I'm determined to show him I can play this game too.

I headed to the showers and found I weren't the only person in here. I quickly jumped in a cubicle and tried to sort my thoughts. As I was looking in the mirror I head the other shower cut out and there he was stepping out with the towel around his waist and looking straight at me. His eyes dark as they did a sweep of me.

"Like what you see, happy?" I said keeping my voice strong and clear of lust.
"Think I've told you that before sweetheart." He said huskily.
"I'm not sure, the Kyle I know is arrogant and self centred, he wouldn't be practically drooling after seeing a girl step out of the shower."
"There's a lot about me to learn, Brit."

Keeping my eyes focused on my reflection in front of me, avoiding all unnecessary eye contact. He stood next to me, his eyes lingering.

"Pick up your jaw, babe. It's not nice to stare." I bent down to grab my clothes off of the bench, intentionally knowing he was watching. I heard him cough and I just smiled to myself and headed back to my cabin. Not paying him a glance. Two can play your game tough guy.

I made my way to my first music session and was happy to find the kids coming along nicely. I decided to stay back, bringing some lunch in with me. It had been a while since I played the guitar just for me and decided to let my mind go and play Good Riddance by Green-Day.

Playing and singing had a way of calming me and letting me be open without feeling insecure. I had a good voice and had taken part in a few open mic nights back home. There was something about music that was expressive and let me feel free.

I went to get ready for my afternoon session and today we were abseiling and using the rock climbing wall. It was safe to say I was excited. I made my way over in anticipation.

"Great set of pipes you have sweetheart." He seemed sincere when he said it, catching me off guard.
"Didn't realise we were going out of our way to find each other now." I said looking at Kyle dumbfounded.
"Don't be like that babe." He said playfully. I sighed wanting to know why he was there. "I was just walking past, I didn't realise you were in there until I heard singing and saw it was you. You're good." He said softly to me.
"Urr Thanks I guess." I started to carry on to the wall before he stopped me by my wrist.
"You really can't take a compliment can you?" His playfulness back again.
"Depends on what's being complimented." Brushing off my shiver and taking control of the conversation.

His eyes darkened and his hand placed itself on my waist, pulling me close to him. I steadied my breathing and kept thinking of everything that wasn't Kyle. Leaning down, he nibbled on my ear lobe and I stopped myself from reacting to him.

"I could pay you all kind of compliments," pausing to place kisses along my neck, brushing his nose along my collar bone and biting down on my pulse. He made my brain go foggy and my body filled with heat, I let out a whimper before he carried on, "You only need to say yes to me Brit."

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