Huffs and Grunts.

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The sound of a grunt, broke my day dream as I looked up to find a set of deep brown eyes staring straight at me. "Sorry. I wasn't looking."
"Never would have guessed, Brit." He said pushing past me.
"Morning to you too Happy." I called after him as I made my way into the showers.

By the time I was back at the cabin, the girls had just woken and were about to head there themselves. I decided on a pair of denim shorts, Shady Oaks camp tee, messy bun and the same battered converse. I made my way to the rec hall to get breakfast and a much needed coffee.

I found Mr Happy himself just behind me waiting for the coffee machine. "Let's hope a coffee helps keep that smile on your face."
"Well having you slam into me this morning, sure helped." He shot back.
"Urgh, I said I was sorry. Didn't realise you weren't a morning person."
"Some of us didn't get naps half way through the meet yesterday." He said bored.
"I told you it had been a long day. Not that it concerns you. Thanks for the shoulder though, hope my drool didn't cause you too many issues." I grabbed my coffee and found a table before he could say anything else, waiting for the girls.

"Morning Sunshine." Kelly's happy southern twang making me smile.
"Morning ladies. I got you coffee."
"You're a star! I've been craving caffeine all morning." Elle said relieved. "Sorry if my brother annoyed you this morning, he's an ass without coffee." She said shooting her brother a glare from across the room.
"It's ok. I've handled worse." I chuckled back. "Is he always this joyful?"
"Oh yeah. He thinks he is like some bad ass, when really he's just a softy wrapped in a scowl." She said looking thoughtful. I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Well girls what are we hoping we're all doing?" Kelly asks us all in turn.
"Something with arts and some craft work." Elle replied.
"Music and sports for me, you?" I said in between my bagel.
"Food. Anything regarding food." We couldn't help but laugh and wait to be given our schedules.

I was happy, I had music in the mornings and helped out with the sport activities in the afternoons. The girls got a mixture too and were just as impressed. The kids were coming in about 2 and would be spending the evening getting settled like we did. So whilst we waited for them to arrive, we were told to head over to our respective activities to get an idea on what we would be doing over the summer.

With music, we'd be teaching them different instruments and getting them ready for an end of summer show. With the sports, turns out a certain someone was here too.

"Fancy seeing little miss day dream herself." He said staring at the sports leaders as they took us through the different things we'd get up to.
"What a treat to see you too. Tell me, do you ever smile or are you always looking like your thinking too hard on something so simple?" I said with a smirk.
"Wow Brit, come up with that on your own?" He said sarcastically.
"No hun, it's called the internet. Should try it, instead of working your brain too much."
"Oh Brit, for a minute I thought you were trying to be funny." He said giving me a side glance. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"I don't need to be funny. That's the difference with us, I don't care what people think about me." I said truthfully.
"Who's says I do?" He's turned to face me and was holding my gaze.
"It's written all over you happy. You want people to think you're some tough guy, when really you're an average guy with resting bitch face."
"You don't know anything about me, but you're definitely a girl who needs to be taken down a peg or two."
Rolling my eyes I turned to face him head on, I looked him once over, "I like sitting up on my peg thanks, should come up and join me some time tough guy."
"Whatever." He said with a huff and turned back to the demonstration the leaders were doing on how to set up the rafts.
"What a Princess." I said loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough to get the last word.

Dinner wasn't very entertaining, we ate, got to know the kids a little that were joining our sessions and they had another camp fire for the kids.

Meanwhile, we were given down time and allowed to have the evening to ourselves ahead of tomorrow. I decided to go for a run, I chucked my head phones in and let my feet do the talking.

About an hour in, I decided to take a detour to the lake and have a chat with home. The family were happy to hear from me and it was nice talking to them. I told them about the girls and what I would be doing, before leaving them to sleep.

"You Just can't seem to keep away from me can you Brit." Kyle has come up behind me on the path and decided to slump down beside me.
"It was you who found me, stalker."
"Oh sweetheart, it's always a joyous occasion with you here."
"Why are you here happy? No new friends to annoy?" I said with a sigh.
"Thought I'd get some peace but I spoke too soon and found you. What you doing all alone anyway? The girls had enough of you?"
"Funny." I said with a slight tug appearing on my lips. " I came for a run and to enjoy the scenery."
"Oh so you do like having me around?"
"You're such an ass. Bye Kyle."

I stood up and brushed myself down, before I could get anywhere, his hand grabbed my wrist.

"It's going to be a long summer Brit, maybe we should get friendly." He said with a playful tone.
I raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "Maybe learn my name before offering services I don't need, happy."
"Don't like the nickname or don't want to say no?" He said with a smirk.
"To say an answer, would mean I've thought about the question and the person who asked it to begin with."
"You've not thought about me sweetheart?" He said pulling me so our faces were within close proximity.
"I've not thought about you. I do know now, you've thought about me." I said with a playful smirk before pulling away.

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