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you and jimmy became close friends in about the fourth grade. you had worked together with the channel ever since he gained about 900k. you both moved in together once he bought his apartment. living in north carolina, it wasnt a stranger to storms. and you werent a stranger to being scared of loud noises. you didnt like thunder, balloons popping, explosions, etc.

you laid in your bed with the covers pulled up almost over your ears. you seen the clock show it was only 2:45 am. you listened to the rain push against your window for a couple minutes. you started to yawn, but it was cut short by a loud clap of thunder. you snatched the covers over your head as it continued to rumble on. you thought it would pass by and that would be the only one, but, of course, no.

a couple seconds after the first rumble came through, another loud boom echoed through the complex. you kicked the covers off of your body and started to walk toward your door. you opened it and held your arms in front of you to not run into anything. with your eyes being used to the dark, and a little help from the street lamp light coming through the window, you were able to make it to jimmy's door. you silently opened it and stood in the doorway.
"jimmy..." you whispered into the dark. you pulled at the hoodie strings hanging off of your body. you shuffled closer to the bed, to him.
"jimmy..." you called out once more. you heard him take a deep breath, indicating that he just woken up. you could see him rub his eyes a bit.
"huh?" he asked, not knowing what was going on.
"can i sleep with you?" you asked trying to be as innocent as you could sound. "its thundering."
he mumbled an "mhm" before moving over to create an open spot for you. he lifted up the blankets to let you in. you joyfully climbed in.

once you were situated in the bed, you had your back facing jimmy. you two werent really awkward to sleeping in the same bed because youve had sleepovers together when you were little. but this next half surprised you a bit. jimmy threw his arm around you and buried his face in your hair, practically spooning you. your face turned a little red as another roll of thunder came through.
'i guess this is just a way for him to make me feel safer?' you thought to yourself.

—timeskip 🌧

by morning time, jimmy had rolled over onto his other side and had long let you go. once you woke up, you walked into your kitchen and fixed some coffee. after you scrolled through social media, you heard footsteps coming into the kitchen. jimmy smiled at you before doing his little hair rub thing he always does.
"good morning." he mumbled as he stopped to stretch.
you smiled back. "good morning."
'does he not remember anything that happened? was that an accident? what is going on?' you thought to yourself. you looked down at your coffee.
"come out to the balcony, (y/n)." he said, motioning you towards the door. you felt your heart start to speed up and you got down from the stool. you followed him outside and then sat down in one of your wooden rocking chairs.
"whats up?" you asked, trying sound as nonchalant as possible. he sat down next to you in the other chair.
"what... what do you consider me?" he questioned, raising one eyebrow and looking at you.
"um, a friend, obviously." you stated, laughing away the awkwardness of this situation.
"but... would you... i dont know," he turned and looked ahead of him.
"what, jimmy?"
"date me?"
your heart stopped as he looked at you. he looked like he was on the verge of tears. you two had been through so much. so many memories of school field trips, classes together, taking trips over the summer. you didnt want to say the wrong thing and ruin your entire future together. if only you could look inside his head and see what he wanted to hear. you decided to speak the truth.
"yeah. i would. because you are a sweet boy, jimmy." you watched his facial expression lighten up. "youre so generous and so very handsome. you walk into a dark room and brighten it by ten million." you smiled softly at him. "and if someone only likes you for your money or clout, they arent worth your time, honestly."
you sat there for a couple minutes before thinking of more things to say.

"youre genu-" you were cut off from your speech by lips slamming onto yours. your eyes widened as you seen jimmy actually kissing you. you relaxed your shoulders and closed your eyes. he pulled away after a couple seconds.
"thats all i wanted to hear, (y/n)." he smiled at you and stood up. he reached his hand out and you took it.
"will you be my girlfriend?" he smiled as his cheeks turned a dark red.
"if you take me to breakfast, yes." you giggled before kissing him one more time.

i wrote this as my power was out and it was thundering but HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING 200 READS AAAAA

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