date ♡

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after working hard for a whole week, both you and jimmy thought itd be appropriate for a cute little date night. so after getting back to your shared two story house and changing and freshening up, you both set out to find a place to eat.

"where are you thinking, (y/n)?" jimmy asked as he continued to drive, one hand in yours and the other on the wheel.

you simply shrugged and mumbled an "i don't know". you hated choosing places because, truth be told, jimmy made you feel spoiled. he always bought you something you wanted, even if you said you didn't need it. he treated you like royalty.

he looked over at you and gave a small smile.
"come on, just choose a place." he rubbed your knuckles with his thumb before looking back to the road. you sighed.
"um..." you thought off to all the places in town while looking at the road. "olive garden?"
he groaned and put his head back on the head rest.
"pick somewhere else." he said, holding back a smile. you rolled your eyes.
"you choose!" you stated while
getting frustrated.
"im just messing, (y/n), we can go to olive garden." he finally let his face show his big goofy smile. he brought your hand to his face and kissed the back of it gently. he always knew how to get to your heart.

— timeskip :)

once you two got seated and ordered, jimmy took out his phone. he wasnt one to really be on his phone when he was spending time with you or his friends. instead of checking social media like you thought, he went to his instagram story camera and held it up to you.

"smile!" he said as he smiled behind the camera. you did as he said and sat up straight, putting on a cute face, and smiling. he snapped the photo and sat his phone back down.
"you're so fricking cute" he giggled at the picture.
"why, thank you" your cheeks heated up a bit but you didnt care.
you watched his phone as he put the caption "date ❤️" in the bottom right. he saved the photo and then posted it to his story.

the brown haired boy looked back up to you with stars in his eyes. he sat his chin in his hands and elbows on the table.
"i love you." he smiled softly, still looking starstruck at you.
"i love you, too, jim." you definitely knew now that your cheeks were bright red. "now get your elbows off the table, the food is here." you smiled and winked at him.

precious!!!!!! but this one is a longer one to make up for the shortness of the last one 🤠 hope u enjoy it

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