Chapter twenty-two

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It's been six months since Sofia and Harmony left and it has been horrible. I tried looking for both of them but all my efforts were futile.

Harmony's parents came back from their vacation and was pissed. Her father landed a punch on my face.

I promised aunt Martha that I would find her and I have but, it has been fruitless. It's like she vanished into thin air. Although, I managed to find Sofia two days ago and I plan on going to see her today after work.

I asked my men to continue searching for her. I won't rest till I find her. What would you do if you find her?, My subconsciousness asked me. Well I don't know but, I do know one thing for sure. I'll never let her go, I'll cherish her and shower her with all my love cause she deserves it and more. I just hope it isn't too late for us




I drove to the neighborhood where I found out Sofia was staying. I checked my phone again to verify the address and house number. I found it with ease.

I walked up to the house and took a few deep breaths and knocked. I heard her saying 'coming' from the inside.

"Hi" she looked surprised but, immediately concealed it
"What are you doing here?" She folded her hands. Ouch! She must really hate me
"Please can I come in?" She glared at me. If eyes could kill, I would be six feat under by now.
"Say whatever you want and leave" she closed the door and stood in front of it. This is already turning bad
"Ok, I am sorry for the way I acted towards you, for making you feel like I'm not the man you fell for. I'm also sorry for the way I treated Harmony. Please forgive me" she turned her face away. Well, I guess I tried. I turned to leave
"If you've given up so easily on me, then how are you going to apologise to Harmony when she returns" she quirked up her brow
"I'm not giving up. I planned on coming here everyday to ask for your forgiveness. I'm really sorry Sofie" I held her hands and she let me
"I forgive you but, you have to get Harmony back. Promise?" I smiled. Finally that's over, one more to go
"I promise. So, friends?" I stretched my hands wanting a hug
"Friends" she laughed and hugged me. She invited me in and we chatted about how we've been for the past six months.

I started visiting her whenever I had the time. Hey, it's not like that. We are just friends now plus, she has joined my team in helping me to look for my love. Did I mention Sofia is now a teacher. I know you're probably wondering how does that concern you but, I just felt like saying it.

Weeks turned into months and, months turned into one year since Harmony left. I haven't seen or heard from her. I wasn't planning on giving up though

I busied myself with office work in the meantime. I barely went out. My parents started getting worried but I didn't listen to them and I guess my efforts finally paid off.

I was in the shower when my phone rang. I turned off the shower and tied a towel around my waist. I picked up the phone
"Yes Lamar, what have you got?" Lamar had hired a detective to help look for her
"We found her. I'll send the information to your office first thing tomorrow morning" oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. They found her, they found my love. I'll finally be able to see her again. Oh thank God. What?? I'm a Christain don't judge me
"Thank you so much man." I ended the call and put on a sweatpant before getting on my bed

I opened my gallery and saw the video of Harmony during our honeymoon. I laughed remembering how I had got room service to get me a hen. I remember how she screamed and how we almost did the died due to that cockroach invasion.

No I can't wait till tomorrow for the information. I put on a hoodie and drove to Lamar's house. I didn't have the patience to wait anymore, I already tried by holding up for a whole year but, I can't wait for even one night anymore now that they found her.

I drove recklessly on the way and was glad there weren't any cops on the way. When I got to Lamar's condo, I raised to the elevator like a bull was chasing me. I knocked on the door vigorously
"I have a gun" Lamar shouted from the inside thinking I was a burglar
"Yo, it's me Adrian." I heard him fiddling with keys before he opened the door.
"You scared me man, I thought you were a thief" I walked into his sitting room pacing
"Where's the information?" I asked getting really Impatient
"Yeah, I was trying to call you. I ac..cidentally f.. flushed it dow...n the toilet" he stuttered
"WHAT???" I yelled. No, no, no this can't happen. I fell on the floor feeling lost. I was back to square one. Suddenly he started laughing so hard that he pretended to wipe away fake tears from his eyes
"I got you. I know you won't be able to wait till tomorrow. The information is on the dinning table" I would have tackled him but I didn't have time for jokes
"Ha ha very funny" I took the information and glanced through it.

I found out that she has been in Africa all this while. She worked there as an assistant for a company whose name I couldn't pronounce. She had made quite a reputation for herself and I felt proud. She is still single according to the reports and is coming back to New York tommorow.

I couldn't contain the joy and excitement I felt. I jumped up and hugged Lamar tightly.
"She's coming" I said with tears slipping from my eyes. I will finally be able to see her again with, her beautiful face, brown eyes and soft lips that has given me sleepless nights for months now.

I grabbed the envelope and went home to prepare for her arrival. My Harmony is coming back home, coming back to me.

Little did I know she wasn't the same girl I fell in love with.

Finally, Harmony's POV next. I have missed her so much and I hope you guys did too. Please don't forget to share, vote and comment. I love you guys 😘

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