Chapter nine

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First day of work was quite wonderful. I made friends with some of the staff. Like Jenny for example, she's the receptionist and she's very nice. Jenny told me the boss travelled for a few days and would be coming back today with the bosses boss. I wonder what that meant. Anyway, after settling in my office, sorting out the mails and schedule for the arrival of the boss. It was finally lunch time. I went to cafeteria to get food when I bumped into someone.

"I... I'm sorry" I said trying pick up the files that scattered all over without looking at the person I bumped into
"CAN'T YOU WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOU'RE HEADED?" Who the hell is he screaming at me. I stood up to yell back at him but instantly felt paralyzed. I could tell he was taken aback as well
"Y.. you?" He just grabbed my hand and dragged me into a big office. Oh Lord, please don't let the boss come anytime soon.
"What the fuck are you doing here" he shouted.
"How is that any of your concern you jerk." No one talks to me that way
"I was clear at your house that I don't want to marry you or have anything to do with you, why are you stalking me" he said shaking me like a toy
"You wish. I rather count the strands of hair on my head than stalk an arrogant prick like you. Let go of me" I matched his angry stare. He was about to say something when we were interrupted
"What's going on here" a tall handsome man dark in complexion with a beard around his chin came in. He was probably age mates with Adrain.
"Sir, this is Harmony Harrison. Your new personal assistant" Jenny came to my rescue. The whole office had gathered watching the show.
"Alright. The rest of you get back to work" it was the three of us in the office.
"Hi, I'm Blake. Blake Otalia and this is Adrain Stone my boss" he said. What? So I actually work for this lunatic?
"Good afternoon sir. I'm not usually this disrespectful, it's just some people know how to bring out the best in me." I smiled sarcastically referring to captain America (Adrain) here. Blake chuckled
"Adrain I'll show you to your office" he kept quiet the whole time. I went back to my desk and got the schedule and mails for Blake. He was quite fun and jovial unlike Adrain.
"So Harmony what are you doing Saturday night?", "Um...I'm getting married" I said hesistantly
"What?!? Let me Adrain?" He raised his brows. I looked down bitting on my nails. A bad habit of mine
"Y..yes. how did you know" I asked curiosily. He just chuckled
"You two are cute together" he said grinning from ear to ear
"What? No way. I'm cute, can't say the same for him. But seriously though how did you know?" We were talking to each other like old childhood friends
"Well Adrain and I are good friends and I was invited to his wedding this Saturday and judging from how you two know each other and obviously the chemistry between you two, I just put two and two together" I didn't know Captain America was capable of making friends
"What chemistry? More like physics. We hate each other" we both laughed when Jenny came into the office
"Um... Harmony, the boss wants to see you" what does he want now. I excused myself and went to his office. I knocked twice and went inside
"Of all companies, why did you choose to work here?" He said hitting his hand on the table
"How was I supposed to know you work here?" I asked folding my hands around my chest.
"Correction, I own half of the business." He sat back down on his chair.
"Mom called. She wants me to let you know my sister would be coming tommorow and you guys are going for wedding shopping and preparation" he continued typing on his laptop without looking at me
"You can take a few days off", "whatever" I said sitting opposite him. He looked up from his computer and stared at me
"What are you still doing here?" I just rolled my eyes
"Look it isn't civilized for us to fight in front of everyone. It might make you start loosing respect so, I think we should act professional from now on" he gasped looking shock
"Is it really you?, for the first time since I met you just said something really smart" I just rolled my eyes and got up
"Ha ha very funny." I left his office and continued with my work for the rest of the day. When it was closing time, I was on my way going when I heard the security telling some of their other staff that big boss was still in the building. What is he still doing in the office

I walked straight to his office furious for no reason
"What are you still doing here?" I asked putting my hands on my waist. He rolled his eyes
"Am selling bread. What does it look like am doing" I'm so not in the mood for his sarcastic reply now
"It's late already, whatever work you have can be completed tomorrow now go home." I walked to him and hit his table. He got up abruptly
"I'll go home whenever I want. Stop acting like my fucking wife" he snapped at me. Right I forgot that we were arranged couples. No feelings attached. What was I doing here anyway
"I..I'm sorry I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries" my eyes was already brimming with tears. I ran out of the office
"Harmony.....wait" he tried stopping me but I was already gone


Fuck I didn't mean to make her cry. I was just pissed due to the way she was acting like she cares about me. I ran after her but my soon to be wife is a sprinter. She already took off before I got to her. I went back to my office to continue working but I couldn't get her sad face of my mind. I decided to go home like she said. That night I couldn't sleep so I had to go to her place early in the morning I guess to apologise. But what am I apologizing for? She knew what would happen when we get married, so why is she getting all emotional. She should get used to it because I have no place for her in my heart.

I was about to go back but, it was too late I already rung the bell without thinking and now, she opened the door wearing nothing but a loose tank top and a cotton short which showed off her great asset and smooth legs fuck!!

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