Chapter six

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^^ pics of Harmony's car above (Mark) ^^


After what my parents told me, I barely called or even answer their messages. I was pissed as hell but, I can't loose my company because of a girl. I wasn't planning on falling in love and getting married anyway so, this will probably be a solution to both my parents and i.

I came to see an old acquaintance of mine. We've been doing business before and I was planning on buying a new house so I went to his office. We were both discussing on houses and location when his office door burst open. An angry mad woman barged into his office wearing pyjamas and a hoodie?


I decided to give that stupid Ken a piece of my mind. He and Meg met at a club 6months ago. I never liked him because he was always too full of himself. I only tolerated him because of Meg but now, I'm going to put him in his rightful place. How dare he hurt my best friend.
I arrived in front of his company and quickly dashed into the building. I knew that his secretary won't let me in so I ran past her towards the office.
"Hey" the secretary yelled running after me. I just ran into the office and it seemed like he was in a meeting but I couldn't care.
"What the...." Before he could complete his statement, I already landed a punch on his nose. Ouch that hurt but serves him right
"That's for making Megan cry. If I ever see any where around her, I'm going to rip off your balls and make meatballs out of them" I stormed out of his office not before sparing a glance at his friend. I didn't know that this Same friend was going to be the hurricane that will storm into my life.

I drove back to Meg's place, my hands still sore. I should have kneeled him as well. I went straight to Meg's condo and used the spare keys she gave me to go in.

"Meg?" I yelled. My bestie ran to give me a hug. Her eyes were all puffy and swollen and her cute face was red.
"It's okay Meg, he doesn't deserve you. Look I got us ice cream and popcorn. Also, we are going to watch a marathon of Boys Before Flower" I tried to cheer her up.
"Thanks B" she said drawing her nose. I really didn't like seeing her like this. We sat down in her room watching TV when she noticed the bruise in my hand
"How did this happen?"she asked inspecting my hand.
"Um...i...i almost flushed my hand down the toilet" crap. I can't even lie like a normal person
"Really? What am I? A four year old, you really expect me to believe that?" She rolled her eyes "tell me"
"Ok... I may or may not have punched Ken in the face" I said looking down and hoping she won't get angry
"YOU DID WHAT? without me, how could you?", "I'm sorry.... wait you're not mad?" I asked looking hopefully
"Of course not silly, you are my best friend in the whole wide world and I love you." She said smiling. At least I made her smile
"I love you too Meg" I hugged her
"Hey, what is it you wanted to tell me when you called earlier?" I had almost forgotten about it.
"Oh!! It's nothing. Don't worry" my mood already changed. I could already feel my tears threatening to spill out.
"What's wrong B?" She held my face.
"I...i... I'm getting married." I said looking down at my hands.
"WHAT? how did that happen, to whom? I can't remember you telling me you've already found 'The one' ". She is right. I really don't want to get married. Am just 22 for crying out loud.

I narrated the whole story to her. How my parents made a pact with Adrain's parents and how they told me, and that am also getting married in two weeks.

"You're getting married to Adrain Stone?" She looked at me like have grown two heads
"Um... yeah?" I wonder why she was freaking out about him instead of the fact that am getting married.
"You mean the hottest and most successful billionaire? The second richest man in America, Japan, Dubai, new Zealand and many more?" She asked already in a usual excited mood. I'm glad she's okay now but what is she ranting about
"Don't tell me you don't know. Haven't you seen the news" she asked shaking me by my shoulders
"Come on Meg, you know I don't watch the news" which is true. News are boring and I can't help falling asleep when watching them
"Yeah and that's not good, a war might be going on around you and you won't even know" she got up to start cleaning up
"Yeah whatever"I rolled my eyes. It's late I should get home. I helped her Clean
"I should get going now, it's late" I hugged her
"Thanks B for being here and don't worry about your wedding, you'll be fine, I can feel it" she said hugging me back.
I drove back home. I was so exhausted, I decided to take a shower which I did. Its been a long day and I was I preparing to hit the hay when mom called. I wonder what they want now?
"Yes mom" I said really uninterested
"Hi sweetie, I just called to inform you that we'll be having dinner tomorrow night with the Stones and your groom will be there so, you should definitely come." Groom indeed
"Are you still there Harms?", "I heard you mom, I'll be there" I rolled my eyes. I'm so tired am feeling sleepy already
"Okay sweetie, oh! and dress like a human dear"she said trying to be funny by teasing me about my fashion sense which is totally unique by the way. I wonder why people don't like it?
"Bye mom" I quickly ended the call feeling blue once again. Oh well I hope tommorow goes well.

*****Sunday morning*******

I woke to the sound of my cellphone. Who would call me so early?
"Hello" I didn't bother to look at the name of the caller
"Am at your front door, come open up" I looked at my phone screen to see who it was
"Meg? What are you doing here so early and what happened to your key?." I dropped my phone and went to open the door
"What are you doing here?", "Your mom called me yesterday and told me to get you ready for your dinner tonight. I can't believe you're meeting that sexy hunk tonight" she said jumping up and down
"You came here to get me ready at 5:00 Am in the morning?" This girl was impossible.
"Its already 11:30 Am sleepyhead plus, I know you have nothing to wear so I brought some clothes for office and tonight" she dangled the clothes in front of me. This day is already turning out to be a nightmare. Ugh!!


Longest chapter so far. Am so proud of myself. I also hope you are enjoying the story😍

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