We head back to my office to look over more of the files for more information. Few hours later you're still looking through the files late at night when I look over and seen that stella was yawning

K= hey if you wanna call it a night and get some shut eye
S= i'm good...... you've been staring at that same page for an hour
K= I just don't wanna miss some details
S= but the last time you had that same look in your eyes was after Benny died... and we went to hell you were tired then trying to do too much and I don't like it
K= no one else is going to catch this woman ( Stella put her hand on Kelly's led and then Kelly's phone goes off) hey this is Kelly...... are you going to call CPD this is an escalation..... OK yeah that's what I figured I will. ( he hang up his phone)
S= body wasn't carol's
K= it was a homeless woman with a history of drug abuse and mental health issues Carol must have lured her to the car let her shoot up let the fuse
S= god you're right no one is moving fast enough on this as soon as shift is over we go see the Ex

Stella's pov: After finding out how bad this stuff has gotten I decided for me and Kelly to go talk to the ex-husband the next day after shift. He agreed so the next morning we got change out of her work clothes and your normal clothes and we decided to take his car and head to the ex-husband's house

K= doug I'm Kelly severide this is stella kidd we're with the Chicago fire department
DD= Fire
K= yes can we ask some questions
DD= I just talk to the police department in some Woman from the arson Department or whatever it's called
K= Office of fire investigation yeah
DD= I don't know what else I can tell you
S= no we completely understand but we were thinking we could come inside and talk more casually

He agreed and we walked inside and sat down at this dinning room table to talk

DD= I don't know what you want to know Carol and I or oil and water and we never should've gotten married in the first place but my dad had just died and uh I was in a dark when she found me
K= but you were married 15 years
DD= well it was fine at first and...and we didn't fight it wasn't like that it was just like a.. a gradual erosion you don't ever realize your marriage is falling apart and then it's over
K= Who ended it
DD= I left
K= why
DD= she said things I love her but she... I just felt like I didn't know her anymore

At this point I though maybe I should bring up my history with grant to see if he could feel like he could tell us where carol is

S= I......I was married to a man named Grant he was bad news he wasn't able to help them self and so I spent all my energy trying to help him when I kicked him out he kept coming back to me again and again and every time worse than the time before and I thought about it a lot why why wouldn't he just leave me alone I realized I was the only person in his entire life that ever try to make him better end it drained me drained me until I....i had nothing else to give so I know where you are at Doug and that's why I know that Carol will come back to you just like Grant came back to me you are worth more than this woman deserves I can promise you that Doug so when she comes back we need you to contact us because she is hurting other people Doug she is ( she pulls out a picture and show it to Doug) we need to find Carol so that she doesn't hurt anyone else ( Doug starts to act weird and Stella notice) Doug is she here
Before he couldn't answer Kelly and Stella heard and seen Carol running upstairs so they ran after  her
S= carol.......

Me and Kelly runs upstairs to find carol we start looking through rooms when all of sudden a heard glass breaking and seen carol and ran after her to try to tackle her but she push me back and when I try to grab her but before I could grab her she pick up a piece of glass and slit it across my face but within a second after she did that Kelly came in and tackle her to the ground

Stellaride behind the  flamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora