"She is losing it. We need to get her out of here and to a doctor as soon as possible." Karen states.

"Hey, please sit down. You have a concussion." Peter begs, watching on concernedly as she tries to punch in every access code to get the door open.

"I'm fine." She deadpans, shooting him a a pointed glare, "now are you going to help me figure a way out or not, Spidey?"

The duo had spent hours trying to override the system, heavy bags clinging to Rowan's under eyes as she and Peter yawn for the hundredth time that hour.

"This is useless." The girl murmurs, sitting down with a sigh, "can't we just call it a day?"

"No-" Peter starts, "I have a decathlon to go to and I don't want to miss it. It's important."

"Is it really, though? Pete, you have a concussion, too. You should be resting and not wasting your time on something that isn't going to work-"

"Initiating trial 247."

The massive warehouse doors open, their groaning hinges mocking the girl as her full lips part in astonishment. Peter turns towards the girl, his arm outstretched, "before I tell you 'I told you so', let's go. We have a decathlon to catch." Rowan rolls her eyes, allowing the boy to wrap his arm around her waist and swing them on top of an oncoming truck, laying low as they pass by an armed guard.

"Karen, you have to get me to Decathlon as fast as possible." Peter tells his suit lady.

"Sure thing. Just tell me where it is."

"Right across the street from the Washington Monument."

Peter, panicked, calls Ned, but when it doesn't go through, he curses, "Ned, call me back! The glowy thing is a bomb!"

"What?!" Rowan cries over the loud wheels grinding against the pavement, "What glowy thing?"

"That weapon we were trying to defuse!" He shouts, "it's a carbon bomb!"

"When were you planning on telling me this?!" She shouts, her voice quivering.

"You were still asleep when I figured it out.. I swear I was going to tell you.. I was just waiting for a good time.."

"My ass-" she scoffs, rolling her eyes, "where is the dammed thing?"

"Uh.. with Ned?" Peter replies sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck as he looks away from her burning gaze.

"You're kidding me right?" When her crush doesn't answer her, his throat clearing as his movements fidgety, she groans, slapping her forehead, "oh my god, Peter! All those people, your friends, are in danger because of your simple thinking!"

"I know, I know!" He cries, releasing a stressed breath, "I'll fix this, I promise. You just need to.. trust me."

"There's a vehicle approaching on your right."

The boy outstretches his arm, his masked eyes focusing on the girl's wary complexion as she stares down at his limb hesitantly. Her powers surge, pinpricking each nerve in her body in a tickling warning. Was it warning or her powers working her heart's duty and reminding her that she had fallen hard for this boy, she didn't know. Her mind screams out in protest, telling her that this was all one big warning and they'd end up either seriously injured or dead, but her heart spoke differently; its melody one of pure bliss, pure happiness.. her happiness when she was around him. And Rowan couldn't resist.

"I wouldn't let anything happen to you, Rowan-" he reassures, "you mean everything to me.. and-and I'd die before I let anyone or anything hurt you."


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