Chapter Thirty-Three

Começar do início

"Fine, I'll stay," she said, blowing out a tuft of air. "But don't think I'm going to make a habit of doing this."

"I hope you don't. I quite like sitting on top of you," he said with a wink as he climbed off.

In the back of her mind though, she still wished she could tie him to a bed and pull off the rescue herself. Sitting back was not her idea of a good time. She loved the rush of getting her hands dirty.

The men prepared themselves to head out. She watched as Jason leaned over and tenderly kiss an unconscious Darla on the forehead. "I'm going to save you," he murmured.

It was so sweet that she couldn't help but bring a hand up to her heart. Climbing off the bed, she jumped into Logan's arms. "Please don't do anything stupid."

He wrapped his arms tightly around her and kissed her hard. "With you to come home to, I'll stay as safe as safe can be in my line of work."

"If we get out of this, I want to move with you to the East Coast."

"We'll talk about our future when I get back."

And with that, the two of them left the room. Tamara wandered over to Darla and checked her forehead, still no fever. Pressing her fingers to her friend's wrist, she checked for a pulse, relieved to find it still beating. She wasn't out of the woods yet, but at least the bleeding was under control finally.

Wandering over to the chair in the corner, she collapsed onto the cushion, laying her head back. She hated not knowing how it would all end. Would they make it out of this? Would she and Logan last the test of time? Would Darla survive and recover fully? Questions always led to more questions. She liked absolutes. And right now, she had none.

"Don't worry," came a small voice. Tamara's head whipped to the bed. Darla was looking over at her, smiling weakly as she held her hand out. "They'll save us."

Getting up, she walked over to the bed and lay down beside her. Slipping her arm under Darla's back, she pulled her close. "I was so worried about you. Can you remember anything yet?"

Darla shook her head against Tamara's chest. "Nothing really. I just see blurred images in my head."

Hopefully as things begin to settle, her memory will return. But she knew that wasn't always the case in amnesia patients. She rested her cheek on the top of her friend's head. "I wish I could help."

"You helped just by staying." Darla, said, squeezing her hand.

She responded by squeezing back. She almost felt like she knew Darla from another time, another place. There was a bond between them that she'd never felt with any other girl. It didn't even feel strange to kiss her in front of the guys. And that wasn't even something she'd ever thought about doing before.

"I'm not ready to be alone with either of them yet," Darla continued.

"Jason really is a good guy."

"I'm sure," Darla murmured before drifting off to sleep again.


Logan made his way into the galley with Jason right behind him. "Grab whatever you can use as a weapon." The two of them secured two serrated knives and then were back on their way again.

"So what's the game plan?"

"I'm assuming they have commandeered the bridge, but if we go there first, we risk them hurting the hostages."

"Are you thinking to take out the ones guarding the passengers?"

"If we are careful enough, we can draw them out without anyone getting hurt."

"Works for me."

He was thinking that if they could make a noise down the hall it would draw one of them away from the door, and little by little, they could take them out. It's been a while since he's done a mission away from the office and his first experience with Frank deemed him a little rusty, but that wasn't going to happen again.

Now he was in full on soldier mode as he twirled the knife in his hand. "Let's go do this thang!"

"Right behind ya, man!" Jason replied.

"Did emergency services give you an eta?"

"Nope, just said to hang tight."

"There's going to be some hanging alright, but it won't be us," Logan said, pressing his back up against the wall as he glanced around a corner. With a quick nod of his head, they both moved down the hallway, closing in on the first dining room.

"There are two men at the entrance," he told Jason. Looking around, he pointed to the door closest to him. "I'm going to hide in here. I want you to move further down the hallway. I'll make some noise and get one of them to come this way. Try to get him to follow you, and then I'll sneak up behind him."

Her Cruise Ship Surprise | ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora